Recieved answer for the prayer request I asked for...
A couple weeks ago I posted something selfish and asked for friends to take a moment and pray that everything would go well and the county would approve my student teaching while I maintain my employment in my classroom. I am very grateful for everyone's prayers and thoughts, those that posted something, those that sent me a note, and those that just quietly in their head hoped that things would go well for me. I do thank you.
Sadly today I have received my answer from the county, I would be required to take a leave of absence in order to do my 16 weeks of student teaching. This is the last stretch in a very long five years of writing essays each week. But the reality is I can not afford to take 16 weeks off work, my mortgage will still be due each month as will the power and other utilities. So I am very sad to have worked so hard for nothing but it does get worse..... the loans that I took out in order to get this degree will come due once I am no longer in now I will not only not have a degree but have bills on loans that I can not pay because I have no degree. Once again right at the finish line and brick wall is put up. Now how to get rid of the brick wall before the leaches are released on this side of the fence...
Sorry this is ending sad, I do thank those that stood by me, it really did help me keep cheer while I waited to find out the answer. Hope your road is smoother than mine ATM.
just keep swimming
Sadly today I have received my answer from the county, I would be required to take a leave of absence in order to do my 16 weeks of student teaching. This is the last stretch in a very long five years of writing essays each week. But the reality is I can not afford to take 16 weeks off work, my mortgage will still be due each month as will the power and other utilities. So I am very sad to have worked so hard for nothing but it does get worse..... the loans that I took out in order to get this degree will come due once I am no longer in now I will not only not have a degree but have bills on loans that I can not pay because I have no degree. Once again right at the finish line and brick wall is put up. Now how to get rid of the brick wall before the leaches are released on this side of the fence...
Sorry this is ending sad, I do thank those that stood by me, it really did help me keep cheer while I waited to find out the answer. Hope your road is smoother than mine ATM.
just keep swimming
I am soooo sorry to hear this! Do you already have a teaching degree of sorts? The reason I ask is sometimes if you go through your State Board of Education they offer other methods to avoid student teaching. You might be able to get a provisional teaching cert. You can teach under the provisional teaching cert. until your time is up and then obtain your full certificate if you had three successful years of teaching. It might be another option to check out. I must have missed your original post. Sorry! I hope things work out some how. Please contact your SBE and see if there is another option for you.
Revision on 08/21/12
Awwww Swoosh, I am so sorry to hear this news. I wish I could be there in person to give you big hugs. I sort of know what you feel like, I worked extremely hard for 3.5 years, year round, while working toward my degree while working full time. Mine ended abruptly, as well, leaving $24,000 in student loans with no way to use the education I had gotten for a higher paying job. At 61 I will be paying off student loans the rest of my life. Like you , I was devastated.
You must be heartbroken and I wish I could make the pain lighter. I am not going to give you any platitudes, but just know that I care, and as you say, "Just keep swimming". that phrase has helped me plenty of times, let it help you, too.
God Bless, Sue
You must be heartbroken and I wish I could make the pain lighter. I am not going to give you any platitudes, but just know that I care, and as you say, "Just keep swimming". that phrase has helped me plenty of times, let it help you, too.
God Bless, Sue
Well dang it girl what are we gonna do with you?! I'll pray that God will guide you thru this dilema, remember He never closes a door without opening a window, He will get you thru this! I know when I had school loans I was able to get them cut dramatically because I just couldn't afford them and rent. They would rather get something than nothing. Ask if they can be lowered if even for a few months to get you a little break. In the mean time hang on and just keep swimming, the best is yet to come!
Hey girl,
First you were not selfish!!! I have a little sign on my fridge that says
God has 3 answers
not yet
I have something better in mind
And at my SIL house she had one that said
Not yet
Are you joking.
I hope this gave you a smile.
It'll turn out fine. We all care about you and are standing with you!
First you were not selfish!!! I have a little sign on my fridge that says
God has 3 answers
not yet
I have something better in mind
And at my SIL house she had one that said
Not yet
Are you joking.
I hope this gave you a smile.
