band slippage
I think you are fine, but if your worried I would call your surgeon. My doc. told me if you have a slip, suddenly you can't keep anything down. I think 20 pounds in 2 months is nothing to worry about. I lost 107 in 10 months, that's about 10 pounds a month just like you. I say keep up the good work!
Symptoms of a slip can vary greatly, along with the severity of the slip. My slip was moderately bad, and required surgery to fix. My symptoms were nighttime reflux, night coughing/choking, daytime heartburn and not being able to keep much food or drink down.
My symptoms were sporadic, and didn't happen every day, therefore I kept thinking maybe I had eaten wrong, too close to bedtime or was just stressed. It took a couple of months of these symptoms happening off and on, for me to contact my surgeon and get an Upper GI done.
My symptoms were sporadic, and didn't happen every day, therefore I kept thinking maybe I had eaten wrong, too close to bedtime or was just stressed. It took a couple of months of these symptoms happening off and on, for me to contact my surgeon and get an Upper GI done.
I was reading on this website. Lap-Band Risk Of Slippage lastnight. I got a little freaked out when I read this. One of hte symptoms is Throwing up all the time. If that is happening to you the website said you should call your surgeon ASAP. I have been throwing up off and on for about 2 weeks now no matter what I eat.