Jean M.'s visit to Seattle...Pictures
Yes, yes, yes. I won't even crack some joke about me fleeing the country just in case you believed me!
Highest 290, Banded - 248 Lowest 139 (too thin!). Comfort zone 155-165.
Happily banded since May 2006. Regain of 28lbs 2013-14. ALL GONE!
But some has returned! Up to 175, argh! Off we go again,
Now that's one of my better pics, no face!
But gotta say I had a great time visiting with you, Jean and Tiff. Hope we get the opportunity again and yes Kate you should join us, now wouldn't that be a hoot and if you throw in Bette well that would just be over the top! Don't know that any one place could handle that.

I couldn't agree with you more. In a couple of days I will be meeting a wonderful lady I met on here. She had bypass but we had the same surgeon and after we started talking, as she would put it, "Im her sister from a another mister"!! LMAO!!! I can't wait...This site may have its pettiness sometimes, but all in all, I'm so happy its here. Its helped me through my fair share of struggles and continues to help me to this day!
I'm so happy you and Jean and numerous others got to meet. Its wonderful to put a face to a name and they become like family!!
These are beautiful pictures of beautiful sweet women!
Thank you for sharing!!! Keep up the great work!!!
I couldn't agree with you more. In a couple of days I will be meeting a wonderful lady I met on here. She had bypass but we had the same surgeon and after we started talking, as she would put it, "Im her sister from a another mister"!! LMAO!!! I can't wait...This site may have its pettiness sometimes, but all in all, I'm so happy its here. Its helped me through my fair share of struggles and continues to help me to this day!
I'm so happy you and Jean and numerous others got to meet. Its wonderful to put a face to a name and they become like family!!
These are beautiful pictures of beautiful sweet women!
Thank you for sharing!!! Keep up the great work!!!