going in for an unfill tomorrow
So I'm a few years post op now but only recently had my 2nd bad sticking episode. Went on liquids for a couple days afterwards and then started to reintroduce solid food. Now EVERYTHING is sticking, some things worse than others. Thankfully I got an apt really quickly. I'm just wondering if I need to get a big unfill to let my stomach rest or if just the normal unfill will be enough... plan on talking this over witht he dr. but just wanted to get some input for everyone else, thanks!
I am only 10 months post op and have had a few stuck episodes - usually my own fault - so hungry I eat too fast because I didn't have dinner prepared in time, or just being mindless. Afterwards I went on liquids for 12 - 24 hours and my stomach calmed down enough I could eat again. I don't eat much at once and I haven't had a fill since February - I find that sometimes I can eat a cup of food and other times I can only eat 3 teaspoons - the band is very finicky - stress, weather all affect it. I have avoided an unfill because I've read about and heard other talk about how they had issues afterwards and could never get good restriction. But if you can't get anything down then a small unfill shouldn't hurt. I wouldn't think they would take it all out because then you would be really hungry all the time and end up gaining. Good luck!