Your B*TCHFest is now in session!
I go to work at a satellite office on Wed. to find that the damn air conditioning isn't working. We are in an old hospital building and the part of the building that was oh so ungraciously "loaned" to us for one day a week has not been updated or renovated since who the 'f' knows when. So we have no central heat or air. We have a window unit that really doesn't do any good because most of the ceiling tiles are out. Oh, and the windows don't open so it's HOT, STALE air. We are infested with insects. Then I get to spend the day listening to people whine and ***** about their life and how noboday wants to help them. Well, you know what? You are an adult! Start acting like it! It is no one else's responsibility to take care of you and provide for you! And, no! I will not go talk to your 'daddy,' because YOU ARE AN ADULT!!!!! Deal with your own problems!
Thanks for letting me vent.

I am annoyed with my obnoxious stepmonster. She is my dad's partner, but they are not married (yet).
It is my bday on Saturday. They are so rude we can't take them out to a restaurant for my bday as they embarrass us. So I took a friend's advice and thought we'd invite them for a morning tea at our place.
My cell isn't making SMS at the moment so I had to get DH to SMS. He let stepmonster know the date and time (1100). She texts back "can we invite our friends?". Now these 'friends' are people she has met ONCE, and we have never met ever. DH texts back "Cat isn't comfortable with that". So then stepmonster texts again "we will see you at 1030". Remember we asked them to arrive at 1100!
I have my BandFit class from 0930-1030 and don't get bac****il 1100, so now I have to miss the last exercise class. Annoyed doesn't even cut it.
Last year at my birthday we went to a restaurant I like and we often go to. The staff know us well. We booked for 1800, at 1800 we arrive at the restaurant and then wait. We then get a text from stepmonster 'Dad is just getting into the shower, so we'll be another 45 minutes". They eventually arrived and we had the meals. Afterwards stepmonster was telling the staff how awful the meal was (even though she'd said to us it was nice). We couldn't leave the restaurant fast enough, how embarrassing that the staff knew us and stepmonster and Dad had made those comments.
A few months ago we went to a different restaurant. Booked for 1800. Arrived 1800, get a SMS from stepmonster 'where is the restaurant?". They live 30 mins away. And the restaurant was on a main road, there is no way they'd even need a street directory to get there. Plus they have a GPS. Once arrived at the restaurant we order drinks. Stepmonster says to the waiter in a horrible tone "fill the glass up" as the tonic water was less than 1/2 inch from the top of the glass. Then when he brings it back, in an even more horrible tone of voice "I don't drink out of glasses". (she does at home!). So he looks bewildered and comes back with a straw. Then the food arrives and Dad complains to the waiter that the portions are too small. When the meal was finished he said the food was terrible. This whole meal was interspersed with even more rude comments from stepmonster and Dad.
They are just too awful to put into words really.