Band Success Story!
on 7/16/11 12:30 pm
on 7/16/11 12:30 pm
I am sorry you feel that way! The word tragic would have been a better word. I never implied that any of these things were made up. I believe every word of what many of you have gone through. I am upset that you would so easily write me off from the failed band forum because I disagreed with Maria about how she labeled a post. I have not been to the failed band forum since I had surgery because I have been depressed and worried that I have made a mistake. I have not said that out loud until now. My posts may not appear that I am worried or depressed but I am and have been trying to hide it from my family, friends, and all of you. In fact I probably wouldn't have said anything if I wasn't feeling worried and scared before I read the post. I would have eventually read it but probably not at that moment. I opened the thread hoping to read something that would help me out of my funk. I find the failed band forum very informative and hope you will change your mind about that. I do want to support others.
Hugs! U are new with the band, so all I can say is follow band rules and hope for the best. U might PM Kate P. or Bette about your band concerns? They are both long term bandsters and honestly believe in the band! I'm sure they would be much more encouraging than I am. It's not that I don't want to be, it's just that I have experienced and heard so much both on here, and among friends the last yr. and a half.
In Pumpkins defense, though you did not mean the term "horror stories" in the way she mentioned, she and I have both seen on this forum some extremely unkind things said about our "claimed band failure". Jean even made a sarcastic post about my "fabled" lack of restriction. So I'll admit..........we do tend to be on the defensive.
I wish u the very best with your band!
(deactivated member)
on 7/16/11 2:09 am - Califreakinfornia , CA
on 7/16/11 2:09 am - Califreakinfornia , CA
On July 15, 2011 at 4:02 PM Pacific Time, looking4hope wrote:
My heart goes out to this person! I do find it distasteful that you labeled the thread deceitfully. I probably would have read the thread regardless of the title but there maybe someone who had surgery yesterday and might not want to read the horror stories right now.
I removed you from the FAILED Bands Group. It's not like you have been there to offer support in any way shape or form.
That group is for people looking for support from people who don't consider their real life suffering,
Your choice of words say a lot as to how you really think about people who are truly suffering from their real life experiences from being banded.
I find your description of this persons suffering distasteful, and your behavior disgusting. I'm appalled that you would be more concerned with a new-ops feelings then with the suffering of someone who has lived with incredible pain and almost lost her life because she chose to have the " Least Invasive " of all the WLS surgeries.
For you and cmagouirk to post about people who " abused " their bands or complain about our " Horror Stories just so you can one up Maria, truly shows how you really feel about those of us who have been injured by the lap band.
Do you really care that another human being is suffering or do you care more about balancing out the number of " Horror Stories " VS the number of " Happy Bandster Stories " that are on this forum.
on 7/16/11 12:36 pm
on 7/16/11 12:36 pm
I want to clarify that I think the band fails the person 99% of the time not the other way around. I am not trying to 1 up anyone. I try to stay out of drama. I have gone back and forth with Maria a few times but never in a nasty way. I think both sides of the band need to be heard. I have always said that. My issue was not with the post. I am praying for the person in the post. My issue was with the title because I was already in a bad place.
(deactivated member)
on 7/16/11 2:24 pm - Califreakinfornia , CA
on 7/16/11 2:24 pm - Califreakinfornia , CA
Thank you for taking the time to explain to me where you were coming from. I'm sorry that you are scared and depressed. Just because we have had our bands fail us doesn't mean yours will fail you. There are people here who so far are experiencing an amazing relationship with their bands.
You made a choice to pick the surgery that you felt was right one for you. Now go with that and please know that I wish you nothing but an amazing and successful band experience. I'm sorry that I came off so harsh, but I just felt so upset because not only has the band injured me ,and I will more then likely suffer chronic pain for the rest of my life, but this is my 11th straight day of severe pain and I am at my wits end and just physically exhausted from being in pain for 11 straight days.
I really and sincerely appreciate you replying to me and I wish that I could take your fear away. All I can say is, " Don't go borrowing trouble " You and your band are doing fine and you may never experience any problems, but if you do then know that we will always be here for you no matter what.
I would be happy to let you back into the FBG, but it may not be the place you want to be in right now if you are scared and depressed. When your ready just let me know okay.
You made a choice to pick the surgery that you felt was right one for you. Now go with that and please know that I wish you nothing but an amazing and successful band experience. I'm sorry that I came off so harsh, but I just felt so upset because not only has the band injured me ,and I will more then likely suffer chronic pain for the rest of my life, but this is my 11th straight day of severe pain and I am at my wits end and just physically exhausted from being in pain for 11 straight days.
I really and sincerely appreciate you replying to me and I wish that I could take your fear away. All I can say is, " Don't go borrowing trouble " You and your band are doing fine and you may never experience any problems, but if you do then know that we will always be here for you no matter what.
I would be happy to let you back into the FBG, but it may not be the place you want to be in right now if you are scared and depressed. When your ready just let me know okay.

on 7/17/11 2:58 am
on 7/17/11 2:58 am
Thanks for understanding. I am sorry that you are suffering so much. I will continue to pray for you Lisa. Yes, I did decide that the band was the best surgery for me and do have to go with it and pray for the best. I just wish I could get out of this funk. As soon as I am feeling better I will let you know because I do think that we all need to support each other in success and when the band fails or there are complications.
I know someone personally that abused her band to lose the weight. She paid a very high price. She kept her band way too tight. When this was happening I hadn't had WLS yet and had not yet researched the Lap Band. If I had known what she was doing was dangerous I would have spoke up and said something to her. For 2 1/2 years her band was so tight that she was barely able to eat solid foods...I saw her eat 2 very tiny bites and could barely tolerate that. She was not able to get all of her fluids in. To the point she told me once that during a drug test she couldn't pee enough because she barely drinks!!! She lost lots of weight. I think she was 350+ lbs and got down to 130 lbs. She started to complain of pain when she ate and acid reflux. By then I was in the process of getting my approval for surgery and knew what she was going through wasn't right. I told her over and over she shouldn't be in pain. The band isn't supposed to hurt. The band isn't supposed to prevent you from eating!!! She didn't listen to me.
Long story short....she lost her band in an emergency surgery. She waited 4 months before she made an appointment to see the surgeon about her symptoms. It was too late the damage was done. Her and her band slipped months ago and she had scar tissue all over stomach and surrounding organs. The surgeon said a new band was impossible because of the excessive scarring. Two years later she is almost back to where she started.
Anyone out there that can't eat 4-6 oz of solid protein in a single meal or has pain of any kind...go see your doctor. Don't put it off. If my friend had seen her doctor ASAP she might still have her band. Also, I know it's very tempting to keep your band super tight so you will lose weight. Don't do it!!! Remember this is the reason my friend's band slipped to begin with. I say take it slowly and if there is pain don't come on here and ask questions ... CALL YOUR DOCTOR!!!!
Her experience has taught me to be vigilant. I have been very blessed with a fairly symptom free Band experience. But I will not assume that I will coast through this and nothing will ever happen to me. I will never get a fill that is too tight and keep it too tight. I will make sure to get unfill if I am too tight. I will always call my doctor if I have any pain or unusual symptoms. Not all bad experiences are brought on by neglect or abuse but the the same rules apply no matter what the reasons vigilant.
The band can be your best friend or your worst enemy!!!!!
Long story short....she lost her band in an emergency surgery. She waited 4 months before she made an appointment to see the surgeon about her symptoms. It was too late the damage was done. Her and her band slipped months ago and she had scar tissue all over stomach and surrounding organs. The surgeon said a new band was impossible because of the excessive scarring. Two years later she is almost back to where she started.
Anyone out there that can't eat 4-6 oz of solid protein in a single meal or has pain of any kind...go see your doctor. Don't put it off. If my friend had seen her doctor ASAP she might still have her band. Also, I know it's very tempting to keep your band super tight so you will lose weight. Don't do it!!! Remember this is the reason my friend's band slipped to begin with. I say take it slowly and if there is pain don't come on here and ask questions ... CALL YOUR DOCTOR!!!!
Her experience has taught me to be vigilant. I have been very blessed with a fairly symptom free Band experience. But I will not assume that I will coast through this and nothing will ever happen to me. I will never get a fill that is too tight and keep it too tight. I will make sure to get unfill if I am too tight. I will always call my doctor if I have any pain or unusual symptoms. Not all bad experiences are brought on by neglect or abuse but the the same rules apply no matter what the reasons vigilant.
The band can be your best friend or your worst enemy!!!!!
(deactivated member)
on 7/16/11 1:46 am - Califreakinfornia , CA
on 7/16/11 1:46 am - Califreakinfornia , CA
I know someone through no fault of her own suffered incredible pain from her band and she paid a very steep price for it. Her band through no fault of her own slipped and then when her surgeon replaced it with another band it not only slipped just like the the first one did, but it also eroded into her stomach.
Now she has to live in chronic pain for the rest of her life because of the band. She will forever suffer permanent nerve damage because she made the mistake of choosing to have a lap band placed because it was sold to her at the " Least Invasive " of all the WLS. She ended up having a total of three Invasive surgeries because of the lap band.
Her daughter had two bands placed as well and through no fault of her own has also had three
" Least Invasive " operations because she chose to go with the " Least Invasive " surgery that is the Lap Band.
Now she has to live in chronic pain for the rest of her life because of the band. She will forever suffer permanent nerve damage because she made the mistake of choosing to have a lap band placed because it was sold to her at the " Least Invasive " of all the WLS. She ended up having a total of three Invasive surgeries because of the lap band.
Her daughter had two bands placed as well and through no fault of her own has also had three
" Least Invasive " operations because she chose to go with the " Least Invasive " surgery that is the Lap Band.
This is why I'm burnt out on trying to help people. After 9 years of being told that it HAS to be something the patient did wrong, I'm just burnt out. Every day there is a new thread about pain, vomiting, gagging, inability to eat... but it's because "everyone's doing it wrong."
I think I'm done.
I think I'm done.
Avoid kemmerling, Green Bay, WI