
Vacation-weight loss...is it possible?

on 7/12/11 4:02 am
 I am going to Florida on Friday.  I am really excited because I now feel somewhat comfortable in a swimming suit and am loving life with my band.  Here is my dilemma though.....I have a summer goal to reach before going back to school (four weeks until school starts).  I want to get down to 195.  I am currently at 201.  I do NOT want to gain weight while on vacation.  I have a plan set to work out in the fitness center at least every other morning while down there.  I would love to do it every morning, but I realize that might not be possible.  Do you have any tips that worked for you to stay consistent on losing weight while on vacation?  I REALLY want to reach this goal.  I wanted to be 199 before leaving Friday, but the monthly visitor showed up and I know that I will not see 199 on that scale before Friday.  I am fine with that, but want to stay on the road for success.
 “Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.? ~Theodore Roosevelt

on 7/12/11 4:45 am - West Hartford, CT
Plan to "cheat."  In other words, determine how many desserts or drinks you'll have during vacation.  We'll be going to Provincetown for two weeks.  I'm not interested in drinking (unless I'm in the Caribbean) so I will let myself have two single scoops of ice cream [one giner and one butter pecan) each week at Lewis Brothers (on separate days).  That way I know in advance what I'll be doing and won't be tempted off course by things I see.

On the same note, if you're going to a restaurant that has it's menu online, figure out what you're gonig to eat before you walk in the door.  Make the decision when you're not hungry or tempted by what anyone else is going to order.

Have an exercise plan.  Provincetown is the best place to walk.  I plan on walking at least an hour each day.  I know that some days it will be an hour or an hour and a half.  Our townhouse comes with mountain bikes, so there'll be some biking, too.

You don't say whether you're staying in an apartment, a condo, a home or a hotel room.  If you have access to a refrigerator, make sure that you prepare some of your meals.  You'll consume a lot less calories than if you eat every meal out, spend less, be able to eat some of your regular foods and have less meals that you find too tempting.

on 7/12/11 4:48 am
My vacations are all ACTIVE things these days ---- and so I have been able to maintain or lose weight on them.

I plan activity for EVERY day ---- rarely the gym because I prefer to be out hiking or swimming or walking.

My best suggestion is to stick with my normal eating for breakfast and lunch (that means yogurt and fruit for breakfast and then tuna/crackers and veggies for lunch) as much as possible.

Then, I splurge a little by ordering whatever I want for dinner -- eating 1/2 or less.
I either share with someone or I segregate the food on my plate and I put excess pepper on the portion I am not going to eat.

While I don't like to waste food, I don't want to 'waist' it either --- and so I consider the expense to be the 'price of success'.

Have fun!

on 7/12/11 6:00 am
 I lost weight on my vacation. Get lots of exercise, plan your meals. In my case I ate a slightly larger lunch to stay satisfied and not over indulge at dinner. Drink a lot of water.  I avoided things like deep dish pizza in case it was so good, I ate too much. I had one glass of wine several nights, and shared desserts. I asked my friend to comment if I was eating badly, and she asked me to return the favor. 
on 7/12/11 6:32 am
I lost my 2 pounds a week while at Myrtle beach last year. My friend was very supportive. We went to places that I could get a lean meat and veggie for dinner. We ate breakfast in the condo each morning. I brought a protien bar with me for lunch and she and her kids usually had fast food. It certainly can be done! Have a great time!