stuck at the same weight for around 5 weeks now!!! frustrated!!!!
hi guys does anyone have any advice on how to jump start my weight loss again i weighed 231 pounds and i now curruntly weigh 172 pounds i have been this weight a while now and iit is getting me a little down as i'm struggling to lose any more weight therefore the old me has been letting the odd bad food creep in i know if i didnt have my band i would be piling the weight on so i am happy but i feel i just need a little encouragement and some suggestions on how to kick start my weight loss as i am planning to have a tummy tuck and i'm wanting to lose around 25 pounds before i get this done which will be aroound five and a half months time so any suggestions would be appreiciated thank you

DS on 08/20/12
I know everyone has a stall eventually. But stick with it and it will pass. It's better to stall than gain. My weight loss started to slow greatly. My dietician and I went through my food logs and she came to the conclusin that I wasn't drinking nearly enough water which helps flush the fat. I was drinking less than half of what I needed daily. I have since increased my water intake and my weight loss has increased again.