breathing tube??
I had a breathing tube. They didn't put it in till I was out. I do remember them removing it though (you have to be breathing on your own before they will remove it). It doesn't hurt to have it removed...sort of a brief choking sensation. But I did have a mild sore throat afterward for a day or two. It really is not a big deal. You will do fine. Good luck.
on 7/10/11 12:26 pm
on 7/10/11 12:26 pm
Ask your surgeon -- I don't think I had one, at least I have absolutely no memory of one.
I remember meeting the anesthesiologist and seeing my surgeon before surgery -- and I rememer being wheeled towards the operating room --- and then I remember waking up and being offered a popsicle.
Same with my Plastic Surgery -- I remember the nurse saying 'I am going to take good care of you' ---- and then I was in recovery.
I don't remember a mask or any breathing tube either time.
I remember meeting the anesthesiologist and seeing my surgeon before surgery -- and I rememer being wheeled towards the operating room --- and then I remember waking up and being offered a popsicle.
Same with my Plastic Surgery -- I remember the nurse saying 'I am going to take good care of you' ---- and then I was in recovery.
I don't remember a mask or any breathing tube either time.
(deactivated member)
on 7/11/11 12:33 am - Califreakinfornia , CA
on 7/11/11 12:33 am - Califreakinfornia , CA
" I remember the nurse saying 'I am going to take good care of you' ---- and then I was in recovery. "
I remember my smart ass husband telling me to " Go toward the light if I see one " as they wheeled me away. You should have seen the look of shock on their faces.
We've recently pulled that on our daughter and the look on the nurses faces is just priceless. meanwhile my daughter is like,
"whatever you guys."
I remember my smart ass husband telling me to " Go toward the light if I see one " as they wheeled me away. You should have seen the look of shock on their faces.

"whatever you guys."

(deactivated member)
on 7/11/11 4:19 pm - Califreakinfornia , CA
on 7/11/11 4:19 pm - Califreakinfornia , CA
We have a really warped sense of humor around my home.
(deactivated member)
on 7/10/11 1:06 pm - Des Moines, IA
on 7/10/11 1:06 pm - Des Moines, IA
In surgery once the patient is asleep they insert an endotracheal tube to keep your airway open and it's removed prior to being fully awake. Most people don't realize that they had one. Some may experience a sore throat. When you had a c-section they used a spinal not a general anesthesia.
I understand being apprehensive about something you've not experienced before, but a breathing tube, aka as an endotrachial tube is placed with general anesthesia to help maintain the airway.
I've had more than one surgery with general anesthesia and while I've had a minor sore throat upon awakening, I've never been aware of the tube itself. They do not place it until you are well sedated and you will most likely not remember it at all.
I've had more than one surgery with general anesthesia and while I've had a minor sore throat upon awakening, I've never been aware of the tube itself. They do not place it until you are well sedated and you will most likely not remember it at all.
Frickin YUCK.....I would have been so PISSED . I had a tube down my throat one time when I was a teenager (long story) and I was awake for that, and I can tell you, before any surgery, I make sure they know if I am not out before they shove that damn thing down my throat, someone's gonna get hurt!! LOL....
I don't remember having any tube down my throat when I had surgery and I have had a lot of surgeries, knees, tubal, lap band, etc....and I don't remember any of the tubes. sore throats after but thats it.
Best of luck to you..