I Will Never See My Doctor Again Unless I'm Dieing (Long Post)
3 years ago my surgeon put a new band in. My sister went to a few check ups with me and he would talk to her about getting wls. She always said no.. 3 months ago she decided she would let him do a gastric bypass on her. I was with her at her doctors appts before and went to hospital with her. The doctor was so nice to her. He actually was generously concerned and paid alot of attention to her. He visited her several time in the 3 days she was in the hospital.
Now me.... at first he was concerned because my band was not placed correctly by another surgeon and he wanted to get it out and put another band in. At first he asked me if I wanted the band or choose a different surgery. I choose the band, I wanted to give it another try. The day I arrived at the hospital he popped in to the office where they were doing my paperwork just to make sure I was there and didn't chicken out. That was the last time I saw him until my follow up 10 days later. I stayed the night in the hospital and no visit or phone call checking up on me. Heck, the whole night a nurse came in only once because my iv was beeping.
So, I have seen my surgeon several times for fills and one unfill.I have not got to my prefect "spot" yet but the last 4 visits in the last 9 months he has lectured me and gave me a hard time about getting another fill. He would always give me a drop, i think to just shut me up so i would go away.
Well back to my sister.... She went for her 1 week check up, (everything is going as expected). During her visit with him he brought me up. He told my sister that he wished he had done a different surgery on me so i wouldn't be such a pain in the ass. #1- he shouldn't be talking to anyone about my case even if it is my sister #2- How dare he make a comment like that to her.
Any way. He seems to be a little 2 faced or maybe just prefers gastric bypass instead of lap band. But he treated her with so much care and talked to her,answering all her questions.While she was in recovery he hung out for 2 hours just to checking her. Even during her 3 day recovery in the hospital he saw her twice a day. I never saw him again until my followup a week later.
I know the first thing you want to say to me is to change doctors but there is a problem... I live in New Mexico and there is no bariatric surgeons in NM. The closest is El Paso TX (where my surgeon is) There are 2 other bariatric surgeons in El Paso but they won't take on any other surgeons patience.
Thank You So Much for letting me vent and to take the time to read my long post.
Wow-that's terrible! Did you complain about his unprofessional behavior to your medical board/hospital? What he did is a serious violation of patient privacy (FEDERAL) laws (HIPPA) and should be held accountable for it!
Meanwhile you still need someone to be your dr. How about Ca? Is that too far or just logistically difficult? Perhaps it would be worth it? Are you in a 'green zone' that I hear is our goal? I'm only 9 days out, so I'm really new to all this. However, I am I. The medical field and know that he is wrong in his behavior and should be reported
Meanwhile you still need someone to be your dr. How about Ca? Is that too far or just logistically difficult? Perhaps it would be worth it? Are you in a 'green zone' that I hear is our goal? I'm only 9 days out, so I'm really new to all this. However, I am I. The medical field and know that he is wrong in his behavior and should be reported

I think the band can be frustrating for surgeons because it's results are difficult to predict, BUT what he did was completely wrong.
I agree with the other poster...discussing your medical information with your sister was a HIPPA violation unless you have signed some type of release saying that he may share information with her. Even if you have submitted that type of release, he was still just wrong to discuss your case in that manner with her. Ugh.
Just remember, he works for you. You pay him. The next time you need to see him, you should say in a calm, but firm manner, that it is inappropriate for him to discuss your case with your sister unless you are present and have given him permission.
If this continues, I would call the other surgeons in El Paso anyway and explain that you do not feel comfortable as your surgeon has violated your privacy and see if they would reconsider taking on an outside patient.
Best of luck,
I agree with the other poster...discussing your medical information with your sister was a HIPPA violation unless you have signed some type of release saying that he may share information with her. Even if you have submitted that type of release, he was still just wrong to discuss your case in that manner with her. Ugh.
Just remember, he works for you. You pay him. The next time you need to see him, you should say in a calm, but firm manner, that it is inappropriate for him to discuss your case with your sister unless you are present and have given him permission.
If this continues, I would call the other surgeons in El Paso anyway and explain that you do not feel comfortable as your surgeon has violated your privacy and see if they would reconsider taking on an outside patient.
Best of luck,
He clearly feels that RNY is a more serious surgery and doesn't care much for the band or considers the low mortality rate not worth his extra time. However, your biggest concern should be that he is talking about you with your sister. There are HIPPA laws that protect you from him discussing or sharing any of your Personal or Medical information with anyone, (even a relative), unless you've signed a waiver. You could report him for it, but then you'd be screwed because he's the only bariatric surgeon in NM.
I understand how you feel, but would highly recommend having a serious, non-emotional conversation with him. The only way to resolve conflict is to confront it. This isn't for his sake, but for yours because this is clearly affecting you. I sounds like you feel let down, cheated, abused even. The only way for you to let it go and move forward is to tell the doctor how you feel. His ego may not allow him to apologize, but if he does so, with sincerity, then hopefully you can accept that and move on. You need regular maintenence with the band. Not returning unless you're dying will only hurt you, not your surgeon. He's making plenty of money pushing RNY's over bands!
Do youself a favor and try to let it go so you don't stew over the injustice, at least for any length of time.
Do his future patients a favor by letting him know how you precieve his attitude and lack of care or concern band vs. RNY, since you've experienced both scenarios, yours and your sisters. Who knows, maybe he'll learn something.
Whatever happens if you choose to confront him in a calm, concerned way, at least you can feel good that you've said your peace and it may help other patients down the road.
Lisa O.
I understand how you feel, but would highly recommend having a serious, non-emotional conversation with him. The only way to resolve conflict is to confront it. This isn't for his sake, but for yours because this is clearly affecting you. I sounds like you feel let down, cheated, abused even. The only way for you to let it go and move forward is to tell the doctor how you feel. His ego may not allow him to apologize, but if he does so, with sincerity, then hopefully you can accept that and move on. You need regular maintenence with the band. Not returning unless you're dying will only hurt you, not your surgeon. He's making plenty of money pushing RNY's over bands!
Do youself a favor and try to let it go so you don't stew over the injustice, at least for any length of time.
Do his future patients a favor by letting him know how you precieve his attitude and lack of care or concern band vs. RNY, since you've experienced both scenarios, yours and your sisters. Who knows, maybe he'll learn something.
Whatever happens if you choose to confront him in a calm, concerned way, at least you can feel good that you've said your peace and it may help other patients down the road.
Lisa O.
Here is the post I was talking about:
http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/lapband/4386494/Am-I-A-Suc cess/#36259888
It must have been rotten to have been treated that way.
http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/lapband/4386494/Am-I-A-Suc cess/#36259888
It must have been rotten to have been treated that way.