failed band question
I maintained for about 2 years and then quit smoking, had a hysterectomy and had to take steroids for 6 months... the weight piled back on, for the most part.
BUT, since I had the band removed, I can breathe again and am not in constant agony, so I have to look at the bright side.
Avoid kemmerling, Green Bay, WI
I haven't had mine removed but I did have it emptied because it kept tightening. So far I'm within a 5 lb. range at 2 mos. out from unfilling the band. I really have to watch close tho, I can't just go crazy because I'm unfilled. I'd liked to revise but it's not in the picture right now so I do what I can.

Lapband - Jan 2009 weight goal reached with lapband. Revised to VSG- 1/25/16
on 7/1/11 8:59 pm - Wentzville, MO
I know I am going to prolly make some people mad, BUT when I read these forms and read about regain and fails. You never see the questions asked as to WHY did it fail? I know a lot of people who have band, and I know of only one truly FAILED band, and that was because it wouldn’t take solution. To me that is a failed band, most of the others out there that say there band failed. Here are the questions I would like answered.
Did you follow your eating protocol?
NO breads/Pastas
Eat slowly
Do not Graze
Do you exercises like your suppose to?
Do you drink your water?
Do you still drink soda?
Did your TOOL Fail you or did you NOT use your TOOL correctly!
Hey, we all fall off the band at one time or another, I am not saying that the band is perfect nor am I saying that its installed correctly, all I am saying is most of the time it seems that when the person fails they have to have some excuse because they don’t want to face the fact that it really was not the band that failed it was THEM that failed!
Sorry, I don’t post out here but I do read, and every now and again I find a topic that I have to say something on.
IF my band failed I would redo it! I am happy with my band, but I use my band as a TOOL, not as a FIX all!
Chin up Smile on!
Banded Feb 25th 2010
Down 172lbs to date