soooo freaken stress I need to vent!!
I only had about 18 lbs to get to my goal,but with all this stress and depression I've gained 6 lbs,the first 3 years I only lost about 20-30lbs so decided to throw in some excercies and lost close to 80 lbs in 9 months,I've been having back problems & knee problems for over 20 years I hurt my knee's about 1 1/2 month ago so was stuck in bed with a knee brace,2 weeks ago the pain in my back started up again so back to being stuck in bed,yesterday my dr just told me I need to stop excercising,just to give it up already,my knees are deteriorating and my back is getting worse,I have fear of water,so I wont get into any pool,plus being an emotional eater,and all the stress and depression my family is putting me through right now is not helping,I sleep about 14 hrs or more a day,I get up just long enough to raid the fridge then back to bed,so what scrares the hell out of me is if being stuck in bed for 1 1/2 month had me gain 6 lbs, and the only time the scale moves is just when I excercise,and now not being able to excercise at all!!! scares the hell out of me!!!
I have been diagnosed with severe depression,I am currently seeing a psychologist ,but I dont take my meds like I'm suppose to, they get me drowsy so I take them just at night,if I were to take them all day I would'nt be able to do my workouts being high on my meds,thanx for responding to my post

(deactivated member)
on 6/30/11 5:27 am - Des Moines, IA
on 6/30/11 5:27 am - Des Moines, IA
Sorry to hear about your health. Have you talked to a Physical Therapist to see what you could do safely? Could you do pool exercises with a life jacket on? Are you able to go on short walks for exercise? And are you on any anti-depressants? Are your meds making you sleep 14 hours a day or ? Sorry if it sounds likes 20 questions, just trying to think of ways to help.
I've been to different physical therapist ,one after another,but that did'nt do much,I've done pool excercises which is sooo awsome at the time ,but with my arthritis, hrs later I can feel all the pain of the pool workout I did later that night and not able to move,and I am on anti-depresssants,but only take them at bed time,suppose to take them 5 times a day but they do get me drowsy,so I only take them at night,at times I'm doing good,energized, ready for my workout,with my meds,but then all of a sudden I start up with my depression,sleeping 14 hrs or so,I dont think its my medication making me sleep so much, its my depression.thank you soo much for letting me vent!!!
(deactivated member)
on 6/30/11 7:33 am - Califreakinfornia , CA
on 6/30/11 7:33 am - Califreakinfornia , CA
That is is so sad,
Can you make an appt with a therapist,and see if you can overcome your fear of the pool ?
Your doctor sounds like a jerk to me.
Have you tried antidepressants ?
Are you on narcotics, because opiates will cause you to suffer from depression and depression causes you to focus on your pain more, which in turn causes you to feel more pain.
If you are on narcotics for chronic pain, you may be causing yourself more pain. BTDT and it's a slippery slope.
If you are suffering from depression caused by chronic pain and opiate usage then you are going to need some help. I'm here if you need me.

Can you make an appt with a therapist,and see if you can overcome your fear of the pool ?
Your doctor sounds like a jerk to me.
Have you tried antidepressants ?
Are you on narcotics, because opiates will cause you to suffer from depression and depression causes you to focus on your pain more, which in turn causes you to feel more pain.
If you are on narcotics for chronic pain, you may be causing yourself more pain. BTDT and it's a slippery slope.
If you are suffering from depression caused by chronic pain and opiate usage then you are going to need some help. I'm here if you need me.
I've tried the therapist for all my fears,did'nt work it was more like just get over it already.anti-depressants I've been on since my teens and I'm already 38,as for narcotics , because of needing knee replacements on both knees,slipped disk and pinched nerve on my back,injections on back and knees since my early 20's,I have been on narcotics for years which usually controlls my pain especially after 3-4 hrs of workingout,but its not just the pain that causes my depression its my past that continues to haunt me which stops me from working out, which causes me to gain weight,which makes my depression worse when I see the scale moving the wrong way,plus stress of having to move out in 2 months and still cant find a place,right now my arthritis has kicked in and have'nt been out of bed in 4 days,and have'nt had my pain meds in 6 days ,gotta wait till July 11 for a refill.
(deactivated member)
on 7/1/11 8:58 am - Califreakinfornia , CA
on 7/1/11 8:58 am - Califreakinfornia , CA
Step on the scale everyday so it doesn't keep going up. If your not able to exercise and if you know you are eating things that will cause you to gain wait. Then step on the scale everyday so you can see it if it even climbs up two lbs.Two lbs is much easier to lose then ten lbs. It's a trick you can play on your mind.
Now why the hell are you already out of your pain meds if your refill is not until July 11 Th ? If you are using more pain meds then prescribed, then your body may be experiencing opiate withdrawal which would cause you to feel like utter **** You may experience chills and shaking, cramps,muscle spasms, flu like symptoms,loss of sleep, low blood pressure. If you are experiencing these symptoms you may be in withdrawal and should seek medical attention.
Now why the hell are you already out of your pain meds if your refill is not until July 11 Th ? If you are using more pain meds then prescribed, then your body may be experiencing opiate withdrawal which would cause you to feel like utter **** You may experience chills and shaking, cramps,muscle spasms, flu like symptoms,loss of sleep, low blood pressure. If you are experiencing these symptoms you may be in withdrawal and should seek medical attention.
i've been stepping on the scale everyday to motivate me to not gain,but its moving up instead of down,I eat oatmeal with my 2-3 cups of coffee in bed of course,15 min later I'm starving,but I hold myself back till lunch which is usually a healthy choice t.v dinner again 30min. later I'm hungry again I'm holding myself back from raiding the fridge,till dinner,usually a tuna salad,or chicken salad,or something with a salad,and again right after I'm hungry again,and as for my meds running out ,thats my jerkoff Dr who's always making mistakes and my pharmacist who usually jacks anywhere from 3 -7 pills a month,my medication bottle says last refill was june 1st 2011 so why do I have to wait till july 11th,I've gone 2 months without my pain meds because I had no insurance,so I know I'm not going through withdrawls,I'm just in pain because of my arthritis,no chills,shaking,flu like symptoms, or any of the above,if that would've been the case I'd be at the pharmacy making a scene since I know my meds are do now, not the 11th,so right now I'm just using heating pads,icy hot and massages from the hubby till the 11th,