Why did I - and you! - have WLS?
What were YOUR reasons? I'm willing to bet that a lot of people's lists contain some of the same reasons!
THE TOP FIVE [not necessarily in order of importance]
- I’m at least twice a healthy weight, and I don’t want to be that anymore.
- Being that overweight has affected my health, and I want to change that.
- Diets don’t work – at least not for me.
- I want to live as long as possible and live a long life with my husband.
- I want to outlive him. The thought of him being alone breaks my heart.
[The rest are in no particular order.]
- I want to be able to buy clothes in whatever store I happen to be in.
- I want to be able to buy cool, trendy clothes sometimes.
- I don’t want to worry about my health so much.
- I don’t want my husband to have to worry about my health.
- I want to be able to buy clothes that don’t cost an arm and a leg.
- I want to be able to wear sexy underwear now and then.
- I don’t want to be walking on painful, swollen feet anymore.
- I want to be able to fit my feet into all my shoes.
- I want to go on vacations to places that involve walking and be able to walk comfortably.
- I want to be able to go to Disney World, be able to survive all the walking, and be able to ride all the rides.
- I’d like to stop making that “fat old lady noise" when I sit down or stand up.
- I’d like to sit on the floor and not worry about being able to get back up.
- I want to go to a swimming pool or Jacuzzi and not feel like an outcast.
- I’d like to be on top sometimes.
- I want to be able to sleep on my back and not wake up in pain.
- I want to fit comfortably in a movie seat.
- I want to be able to do more around the house.
- I want to avoid having to have knee and hip replacement(s).
- I want to sit in an airplane seat and not have to ask for a seatbelt extender.
- I’d like to fly on Southwest Airlines and not be asked to pay for a second seat.
- I don’t want to feel like a joke anymore.
- If someone looks at me and laughs, I want it to be because I said or did something funny, not because I look funny.
- I want to be seen again. I’m tired of being ignored in stores.
- I want to hear, “Yeah, we have that in your size."
- I never want to have to wear a clothing size with an X in it again.
- I want to put on pantyhose and not break into a sweat.
- I want to be able to put my shoes and socks on easily, without almost killing myself.
- I want to enjoy giving myself a pedicure again.
- I want to be able to breathe better, and not run out of breath at easy exertions.
- I want to rule over food, not the other way around.
- I want to get in someone’s car and not have to worry about whether the seatbelt will fit.
- I want to go horseback riding.
- I want to go to New York with my husband and walk around the Village.
- I want to be able to take a bath in a regular-sized tub, in comfort.
- I want to be able to get out of the tub and not risk serious bodily injury.
- I want to be able to walk for exercise without my knees killing me, and without running out of breath after half a block.
- I want to be able to buy and wear “girlie" shoes again.
- I want to hear a cricket chirp and not wonder if it’s just my thighs rubbing together.
- I don’t want to have to worry about sitting in a chair and breaking it – or not fitting into it in the first place.
- I want to take – and pay for – fewer medications.
- I want to lower my blood pressure and cholesterol without meds.
- I want to get my glucose levels low enough to not have to take insulin.
- I want to be able to bend over to pick something up and not be mortified.
- I don’t want to have to worry about when I’m going to need a cane, a walker, a scooter or a wheelchair to get around.
- I want to be able to wear a bra that’s kinda sexy.
- I want to be able to do things that have weight limits: like go for a balloon ride.
- I want to be able to donate bone marrow if someone needs it.
- I want to be able to see people whispering and not wonder if they’re talking about “that fat lady".
- I want to live long enough to burn the mortgage.
- I want my pants to wear out someplace other than in the thighs.
- I want to be able to wear my black cowboy boots again.
- I want to be able to ride a Segway.
- I want to get another tattoo.
- I want to never bust out a zipper again.
- I’d like to try a thong, and not have it look like my ass ate my underpants.
- I’d like food to fall on me and land someplace other than my chest.
- Maybe I could wear a shirt more than twice without getting a food stain between the boobs.
- I want to play with the dogs and have them run out of breath first.
- I don’t mind being called a ***** but I could do without hearing “fat" before it.
- I want to live long enough to see the Sox win the World Series.
1. To you be healthier mom for my daughter
2. To live longer than my birth mother
3. To be able to run n play with my daughter without gettin worn out
4. To be able to shop in regular size stores not only the plus sizes
5. To able to play softball again
6. To gain my confidence back again
7. To feel as beautiful on the outside as I do on the inside
8. To be able to fit comfortably in airplane seat n rides like that the fair n other places.
9. To look n feel comfortable in a swimsuit,without feelin like a beached whale LOL
10. To have my daughter see that I am making good choices n hopefully she will follow in my footsteps.
Mine are:
#1 to be a healthy weight
#2 decrease my risk of heart disease/diabetes
#3 to run w/ my kids
#4 to feel better about myself
#5 and the most deciding factor was my son was at the park w/ my 15 year old and 7 year old daughter and he fell and hit his head on a metal beam. I couldn't run to him. I couldn't run to help my son that was just 2 streets over, and I can see the park from my house. That was the most horrible feeling in the world.
#6 I want to be happy with the way I look
#7 I don't want my fatness to be the first thing people see when I walk in the room. Notice my blue eyes, my blonde curly hair or hell my big boobs, just not my fatness.
I could go on and on, but I did it for me...I did it for my kids and my hubby...I did it for my life!
Thanks for such a good post, man it was like a soul cleansing post!!
2. To live to see and play with my grandkids (that I hope to have in the future..not yet)
3. To walk, hike, swim and work in my job (which I love) without hobbling with foot/knee/ankle pain
4. To wear pretty clothes bought in a regular size
5. To get my confidence back
6.To keep up with my kids
7. To be able to travel without seat extenders
8. To feel good about myself
9. To sleep comfortably
10. To not have to worry about breaking or not fitting into a chair/booth
And I'm happy to report I've accomplished all the above

2. To not have to wear a hoodie everywhere I go because I'm self-conscious.
3. To be able to run again
4. To go to an amusement park without having to worry if I'll fit in the rides.
5. To not feel like every boy is repulsed by the sight of me.
6. I want to finally (for the first time EVER) wear a bikini!
7. To go into Hollister (even though I HATE that store) and not get dirty looks because I'm fat. (same goes with Victoria Secret/Aeropostale/Abercrombie and Fitch etc.)
8. To have my boyfriend be able to carry me

9.To go to a restaurant and not have to answer "table, please."
10. To look in the mirror and be proud of who I am. :')
1) To look better
2) to feel better
3) to fit into cute clothes
4) to walk and enjoy the outdoors
5) to feel better about myself
6) to not feel big and uncomfortable
7) to look better naked
8) to get rid for constant heartburn
9) to get rid of backaches
10) to have more energy
11) to be in control of my weight
12) to look better in pictures
13) to keep up with my dogs
14) to feel better at work
15) to feel better about me
All accomplished!!!!