
B*TCHFest, because I promised

Bette B.
on 6/29/11 2:22 am
And perhaps for the final time.


THE RULES: "B*TCHFest"  is provided as a public service to those of us who have gripes and grievances but who (whom?), for whatever reason, lack a regular forum in which to air them. You are welcome to voice any problems - large or small, important, mundane or ridiculous -  that currently have your panties wadded, your shorts frosted and your gears ground. Don't hold them in and risk future medical issues, wrinkles and/or those pesky gray hairs.

ANY and ALL issues that are plaguing you are open for you to voice; there are no "sacred cows." They say that "feelings aren't facts", so if you're feeling it, it's legit to you. NO ONE is allowed to flame a poster for something he or she writes, however commiseration is not only welcomed but encouraged. Please, no personal attacks against other OH members (at least, not by name) and 

I'll start you off with a few gripes of mine, and you all can join in at any time! No limits - come back as many times as you like!

WARNING! Adult content ahead! Posts may (and probably will) contain "adult" content and language. I know that MINE will. Rated TV-MA.


Okay, here we go! I'll start off with a couple of classics.

PULL YOUR PANTS UP! I am so sick of seeing ass crack!

Get off the phone or get out of my way!!

Does your car stereo really (REALLY?) need to be so loud that the car's frame rattles?

And if you HAVE TO play your music so loud, can you play something that DOESN'T suck?

on to new issues . . . 

I'm pissed that I now have to refer to someone ELSE on OH as "Voldemort."

People who live across the street have a food truck and stand that sells jerk chicken. I love chicken, and I love the smell of it cooking. But they cook outside their house which, I'm pretty sure violates health codes, and they do it at all hours. It's hard to sleep when you're still smelling chicken at 2 in the morning. The LEAST they could do is share some once in a while.

The guy who I witness peeing in the bushes at 3 in the afternoon the other day. EW! Really??

Why are so few high-protein foods SAVORY? Sweet shakes and bars get tired after a while. How about some soup? Protein-enhanced salsa, maybe? 

Dear darling dogs: it's summer. We have the windows open. Yes, there are people outside. No, they are not there to do us harm. Can you please try to refrain from barking at all of them?

Argh! Where the hell did I put the rest of my summer clothes? I can find a binful of bottoms, but no tops!!

Aw, that's enough for now. I've worked myself into a lather. YOUR TURN!


Banded 10 years & maintaining my weight loss!! Any questions, message me.

on 6/29/11 2:29 am - Yukon, OK
I second the vote....No tops allowed

Nice list.

My only real gripe is getting smoked or tailgated on the highway by a highway patrol officer and then follow him to find out he was simply in a rush to get to his Big Mac or Whopper. ((True story, and is repeatable))
Bette B.
on 6/29/11 2:53 am
 Damn, I love that avi!


Banded 10 years & maintaining my weight loss!! Any questions, message me.

Stephanie M.
on 6/29/11 3:46 am
1.  Rude salespeople...I don't know what the hell is up, but lately there is such an attitude of **** YOU VERY MUCH!  WTH, lots of people would love to have a job, any job...appreciate what you have.  Sometimes it sucks to be in the service industry (been there done that for 26 yrs) but right now things are tough all over...get over yourself!
2.  Aggressive drivers...
3.  Mini rant...my FIL, bless his heart, won't leave me alone for more than 20 seconds to wonder about the computer....he can't talk (aphasic) so it is a never ending "Wha????"  I love him, but almost 2 weeks into this visit and I might be ready for a little break from him.  Yesterday my DH and I went to the nursery and got lots of flowers to plant all of my MIL's planters (passed in 2005)...he kept coming out and saying "...I don't know Gioia, I don't know..." and getting upset that we were planting the plants...we're having a 90th birthday party for him on the 9th...
4.  Mini rant:  We are in the SF Bay Area and yesterday it rained...it was on every newscast, umbrellas were out, it was hysterical!  It's supposed to be 90 all weekend...be happy your yard go****ered and the reservoirs are full.


  6-7-13 band removed. No revision. Facebook  Failed Lapbands and Realize Bands group and WLS-Support for Regain and Revision Group


debbie H.
on 6/29/11 3:59 am, edited 6/29/11 4:00 am - AR
I'm so frustrated that a member of my family got gifts of a massage, and flowers, bought, put in a vase and delivered personally to her work. She was furious!
She said she was worth more than that. Can you BE a more ungrateful Diva??????
on 6/29/11 4:50 am, edited 6/29/11 4:50 am - New Brighton, MN
Well, I'm pissed off when you say this maybe the last b*tch fest!!!! Why???? I haven't been on the board for awhile so I'f I'm behind sorry. K
on 6/29/11 6:34 am
1) People at work who spend the day on the cell phone, yell so loud you can't hear yourself think, dissapear constantly, talk about going to lunch for 30 minutes, then go to lunch for over an hour, AND then have the nerve to question how I do my job. 

2) Families who get mad at the nurse (me) because their loved one who drove a car drunk and on several drugs and crashed, isn't getting better

3) People who drive drunk and high, get off my road

4) Oh, that might be it, I feel better 
on 6/29/11 6:53 am
I am pissed because I have an early morning appointment on Tuesday with my PCP and then off the rest of the day to spend with my girlfriends so I want to get in and get out right. Well it just gripes my ass to know that since Monday is a holiday that I will probably have to compete with about 25 Drug Company Reps. And what should have bee a ten minute appointment may take me hours. I have this done to me every time I have an early morning appointment. Maybe I should show my ass and tell the Drug Reps. To just sit their ass down that I am going in next
While I am on a role about Dr's let me say that I love my surgeon, but he takes up toooooooooooo much time with every patient..Example, I had a 11 a.m. appointment and of course I never eat or drink anything before I go because I want to be my lightest weight right. Well, I didn't get weighed by the nurse and put in a room until 4 p.m. and then I didn't see him until 5p.m. and with needing a small fill it was 630 p.m. Before I got out of the office. Then had an hour drive home. Don't get me wrong he gives every patient his undivided attention and extremely knowledgeable, but let us weigh as soon as we walk in the door and then we can at least call pizza delivery. Shewwwww that felt good....... Next person!!
on 6/29/11 8:04 am
 can't believe he still has patients, one hour wait is annoying, 6 hours equals fire his ass.
on 6/29/11 8:40 am
He is really very sweet and knows what he is doing so that is why I keep him.  No other Dr. In the group will see you if they didn't do your surgery.  Next time o will bring my phone charger since my smart phone keeps me entertained.  I also have Tricare insurance and I don't have a selection of Dr.'s that will take it in my small area.  Next appt is at 345 p.m. (last one for the day) so we will see if it is any faster in the afternoon.   I probably get more upset about the Drug Reps. cutting in ahead of me.