
Trying to get back on track. Suggestions?

on 6/26/11 6:54 am - Sardis, MS

Here's an email I just sent to my doctor...  anyone else have issues?  How do you cope with minimal success? 

"I am a patient of Doctor xxxxx. I haven't been to the office in about 1.5 years.  I need to have band care and get band adjustments. 

Here's my problem.  The last time I was in the office, I left in tears, and feeling very humiliated - vowing to never return.  Prior to that visit, I hadn't been in the office in about 6 months, for the very same reason. 

I need care for my band, and I've tried to find another doctor to take me, but it seems that Lapband doctors have rules against taking patients where they didn't install the band personally.  The one doctor I did find, has very stiff penalties and wants everything paid out of pocket, with insurance reimbursing me, after I file insurance claims myself.  I can't afford that.

I feel like I am entitled to support for my band, without being humiliated and scorned for setbacks or stumbles.  If the process of losing weight were easy for me, I wouldn't need the lapband, and I wouldn't need adjustments. 

So, I'm asking, is there any other doctor in the office I can see, or can you refer me to another office where I can receive the care I need to maintain my band, in a more supportive and less critical environment. 

I'm anxious for a response, because I need an adjustment to get back on track.""

on 6/26/11 9:19 am - OR
I am not sure what your issues are, but I understand the feeling of being humiliated. I had to change Docs a year into my program because mine moved away. My new Doc. makes me feel like a failure...I had lost some weight on my own before the band, and then lost 40+ more with it, but haven't been able to lose anymore in a year and now, I've gained weight. (had some fluid removed last Nov. due to too much stress in my life...mistake I guess) anyway, just know you aren't alone. If you need that care...try to get it! Good luck.
on 6/26/11 9:49 am
I thought your email was great. You deserve to be treated with dignity and respect. I hope you can find another doctor who will support you in your journey, slips and stumbles included. Good luck!
on 6/26/11 9:32 pm - TX
I would also consider printing it out and mailing it in.. maybe even return receipt..or hand delivering.  Marked Attention Dr. XXX.  

Best of luck to you.
"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference." Reinhold Niebuhr

on 6/28/11 4:59 am - Yukon, OK
No weight loss is permanent. We all know that and the docs/surgeons supposedly understand it too. If you happen to forced to deal with one that is ignorant in that fact, then dump him. Contact your manufacturer of whatever one you have installed and see if their customer support division can assist you. I am sure they would like to know about the type of follow-up issues you seem to be having.
Do not feel bad for stumbling. Hell, it was 2 years postop for me before I went in to have first fill done. My doc nailed me to the wall about it. Have been in twice for 2 more fills since then. You HAVE to be comfortable with who you are talking to to make this thing work. If their bed manners are in the trash, then you have to move on. maybe some people on the board here can help you find a doc, but if it was me, i might just call the manufacturer and see who they have listed in your area that could help. Easy phone call that could possible kill your issue in moments.
on 6/28/11 5:58 am - Sardis, MS
I exchanged emails with the doctor yesterday. he urges me to seek medical care for my band, either with his office, or with another office. Thing is, I wrote him back, again addressing the humiliation and poor treatment as the reason I stopped seeing him in the first place. He will not discuss anything beyond, "see someone in this office or another office to care for your band

The 2 cities he suggested i seek band care in are each a 5 hour drive from me. The remaining band doctors in my immediate area have all told met that they do not take patients where another doctor installed the band. Except for 1 doctor who, due to liability issues, will not file insurance, and wants all payments up front, out of pocket, in order to take on a patient he didnt band (even if insurance covers it). There are also extra charges for needing ultrasound or xrays for determing band and port placement.

It is very frustrating. My hubby has agreed to go to the visits with me and maybe i wont be treated badly in front of a potential witness...

(Forgive punctuation...posting this from my android.)

Banded 11/26/08 (Removed 09/30/19)

Vertical gastric sleeve 12/12/19

on 6/29/11 2:17 am - Yukon, OK
+1 on taking husband with you.

I didn't even think to ask that in the first place ((facepalm))...

That will help a lot, or at least it should. I always have wifey with me (but only because I am scared of needles and a 240+ passed out 6'1" guy on the floor is a little more than those nurses can handle).

Just out of curiosity, if you are in this situation of having to pay up front (like I am), you should look into seeing if one of your employers has a Health Care Flexible Spending Account option. Advantage here is this:

It costs me $250 per fill. I plan on potentially needing 3 a year (if I am really out of whack). so..$750

I elect the $750 to be withheld during benefits enrollment. 26 pay periods means I have $28 and change withdrawn, but after the first $28 is withheld, I have access to ALL the election ($750) to use as I need it, plus it puts me in a lower tax bracket (not much, but every little bit helps).

Might be worth looking into to avoid the financial aspect of it.
on 6/29/11 4:41 am - Sardis, MS
I will be in a self-pay situation only if i am forced to change doctors. The one doctor that will consider taking me, will only take me as self-pay, even if insurance covers (which it does) due to liability issues. Although, i dont know what insurance has to do with liability....

Banded 11/26/08 (Removed 09/30/19)

Vertical gastric sleeve 12/12/19
