tightness with my band

on 6/20/11 6:24 am - Rochester, NH
Ok I have a question I have had my band since December 2009 and have not had any major problems other than getting stuck once so bad I had to have fluid removed ever since then I have been fine and I had I think 1 or 2 cc put back in since then its been about 5 months and I have had no problems until the other night (saturday) I got stuck so bad I threw up but only once and then I was fine, but since then I have been getting so tight! I only had coffee and it cause discomfort and today I have only had 2 eggs poached with one piece of toast and that was at 1030am and now I am so tight again It is killing me! My question is,  Is this normal? to be so tight after getting stuck It really hurts but it is different from being stuck its just tight !! and uncomfortable I have not eaten all day but did have an ice coffee and hot tea to try and help but I am still uncomfortable! I would so appreciate any help or advice I will call my surgeon if I have to but I would rather not! Please help? with suggestions or ideas! also I have been under alot of stress is that a factor in causing my band to tighten?
Thank you
Nic M
on 6/20/11 6:28 am
All the tissue surrounding your band is swollen. That's what is causing the tightness and discomfort.
You should stick to liquids, probably, until the swelling subsides.


 Avoid kemmerling, Green Bay, WI


on 6/20/11 6:56 am
NM is right . Did you go on liquids Sat after you got sick or did you eat on Sunday ? Anytime you throw up like that from being stuck you should go on liquids anywhere from 24 hrs to 72 hrs depends on how bad the stuck was .

Hope you feel better soon .
Quit Smoking
Starting BMI  52.9  BMI now  44.4        updated  6/6/11

on 6/20/11 7:03 am - Rochester, NH

Thank you for your replies! No I went on mushies sunday because I was feeling better and I was hungry! but I only ate very little all day because the coffee had bothered me so! today I thought I would try regular breakfast and well here I am 6+ hours later and really tight! it is starting to feel better now but I am not chancing it again I willbe on liquids for the next 24 hours anyway. I was worried my band might have slipped but my only problem is the tightness and I burp alot but no acid reflux or anything! As long as I have had the band this is all new to me! Thanks again

on 6/20/11 7:25 am
I think your band is fine . I think you going on liquids is a good idea for a day and let your tummy calm down some I think you will see a huge improvement after that. If you dont then I would call your doc and see what he wants you to do.
Quit Smoking
Starting BMI  52.9  BMI now  44.4        updated  6/6/11

on 6/20/11 9:25 am - Lake Odessa, MI
Revision on 08/21/12
As the others have said, go back on fluids for a while, then mushies, then cautious regular food. If you continue to have proplems your band may have tightened on it's own. They can do that, as well as act up from heat and humidity, TOM, and just being contrary. Mine tightened on it's own and after a time I got smart and got a partial unfill. We left it with a 2cc level from Jan 1. to mid May since we were out of state for the winter. I was able to control the weight, only picking up 10 pounds from my lowest (which was too low, anyway), and got 1cc back in. I have an appointment this week for another adjustment but am cancelling tomorrow because though I get hungry a little easier, and am losing very slowly, I sense that any more will make me too tight. I prefer to be able to eat what ever I want within reason rather than have more restriction.

If you continue to have problems call your surgeon. I would go so far as to say that if by Thurs. you aren't doing very well you need to contact them. It is just not worth the risk and the discomfort. Usually 3 weeks or so to let things calm down is more than enough.

Good luck to you, keep us posted. Sue


Highest weight: 212.8 Current weight 135 Lost 77.8 pounds


on 6/20/11 9:43 am - Rochester, NH
Thanks Sue! I appreciate the advice I went with tomato soup tonight and all seems to be fine so far! I will keep you posted and will keep on fluids until tomorrow then maybe try yogurt. Thanks again! It so great to have this message board to look for others to help! Thanks again! and if I can return the favor I am here!
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