Nana- YOU have a lot to learn! Atleast get the facts straight! The lapband is the least effective WLS. Don't steer ppl in the wrong direction. Stop defending something that has caused you many problems and has not gotten you to your weightloss goal.
I really wonder if you know you made a wrong decision with the band and are trying to convince yourself otherwise.
The band may have been your salvation and I congratulate you on that, but please, please don't be so sarcastic about a surgery that can change someone's life for the worst, like it happened to me.
I felt embarassed when I read this post because now all the newbies that will be reading this thread will see you in a different light.
Take care
NEW Failed Band group:
I'm kinda new been reading every surgery for a few months and I'm getting SLEEVE
in a few weeks
I have to say that my first visit to the doctors was only for the Band and after talking to him about it he wanted to tell me about the other 3 surgery's RNY,SLEEVE and DS because the band is not what he suggests and told me why!!! witch I don't really have to tell you because YOU ALREADY KNOW!!! and if you want to pretend that you don't know what I'm talking about, go read the revision forum!!! and not to be mean like you or anything but I didn't understand why you would sit there and write all that IF YOU WHERE NOT MAD ABOUT SOMETHING
then I realized
that if I've gotten wls 6 years ago and had problems and was still a size 12 and all the other people that had the other surgery's and revision lost all the weight they wanted and plus more!!!!!!!!!! I BE F%$K#! PIST TOO!!!
so I wanted to let you know that I understand don't worry!!!
don't bother answering back because I know your going to only say stupid S%#*t and embarrass yourself for like the the 47Th time today because your trying to make your self believe that your happy and that you made the right choice ...... just change your name start the revision like you been trying to avoid and lose the rest of your weight AND START EATING LIKE YOU BEEN DREAMING ABOUT!!!
BUT before you decide what surgery you really want you need to do Lots of research on them it seems to me that you don't know so much about them only what they are called that's always a good start
on 6/20/11 10:43 am - ~Somewhere in~, PA

They just realized that cancer and ulcer patients, who had a gastrectomy, experienced the wonderful side effect of weight loss and hunger reduction.
Sleeve patients have more decades of scientific data of the long term effects of our gastrectomy than any other form of weight loss surgery.
I'm glad I could help clear that up for you :)
on 6/20/11 2:02 am - ~Somewhere in~, PA
The gastrectomy performed on me is not any different than my doc would have done if a cancer patient came to him. Except that perhaps their tissue would have been sent off to labs. While my beautiful healthy tummy was disposed of.
My American doctors also outlined the decades of known effects to me. You are just misinformed about unknown long term effects.
It's ok :)
I wouldn't expect you to know about this. I only learned about it when I went through the procedure and spoke to my American and Mexican doctors. Both of whom were excellent.