Need an Unfill? I'm clueless. Am I dying? HELP!
I'm so glad you made an appointment. Please demand an Upper GI to make sure you don't have a dilated esophagus or a band slip because if you do, that's something you need to get fixed ASAP because you cause permanent damage to your esophagus. Trust me, my esophagus is permanently damaged from my band.
I'm not trying to scare you, I just want you to take care of yourself and your band so you stay healthy.
I'm not trying to scare you, I just want you to take care of yourself and your band so you stay healthy.
Band to Sleeve Revision 3/1/11
I went into the surgeon's office today expecting the worst after hearing some info on here. I want to thank you all again for preparing me for what could very well be my situation.
As it turns out my band has slipped. I was getting ready to hear how it's all my fault, but thankfully I had no judgement but only apologies for having dealt with it as long as I did.
Hearing that my band had slipped was definitely not something I wanted to hear but the good news is that I have a follow up appointment for two weeks from now. I'm on liquids till then. The nurse practiioner expects that the band will readjust back to where it should be. I only hope this will be the case.
Thank you again everyone for the words of hope, encouragement, and knowledge.
I went into the surgeon's office today expecting the worst after hearing some info on here. I want to thank you all again for preparing me for what could very well be my situation.
As it turns out my band has slipped. I was getting ready to hear how it's all my fault, but thankfully I had no judgement but only apologies for having dealt with it as long as I did.
Hearing that my band had slipped was definitely not something I wanted to hear but the good news is that I have a follow up appointment for two weeks from now. I'm on liquids till then. The nurse practiioner expects that the band will readjust back to where it should be. I only hope this will be the case.
Thank you again everyone for the words of hope, encouragement, and knowledge.