Post-op Follow up and 1st Fill
Hey Everyone!!!
Went for my post-op follow up today and got my first fill. I have a10cc band and the dr was going to give me 2cc in my band. Well thats when it gets a lil TRICKY
. I took my girls with me to the dr. app. Was going thru the process of getting the fill and he couldn't find my port. My incision was a lil swollen still. But come to find out that I had fluid around my port. He called it something. Explained it to me as someone having a blister and it bust. He said my body would absorb the fluid. But he decided to take out the fluid. It ended up being 10cc of fluid and it had a yellow color to it. But my swelling went down. 
My 11yr was in the cornen with her face covered and my 7yr old was acting like the dr. Now after I got the fluid around my port removed, he was able to find my port. Yayyy!!! Now on with the 2cc in my band. I drank some of the water (only 2 sips) and it wouldn't go down. I started burping and spitting. I WAS TOO TIGHT!!!
So he took out 1cc and I felt wonderful. I had to sit up with the needle sticking out of my stomache. The look on my girls faces was PRICELESS. They both said if mommy can take a needle that long in the stomache, then we can get shots. LMBO!!!
Well I got 1cc in my band today and now of course Im on liquid until Wednesday morning. All in all I was very satisfied about my fill and it really wasn't all that bad. My next one is Aug, 15th. We will see what happens then.
Went for my post-op follow up today and got my first fill. I have a10cc band and the dr was going to give me 2cc in my band. Well thats when it gets a lil TRICKY

My 11yr was in the cornen with her face covered and my 7yr old was acting like the dr. Now after I got the fluid around my port removed, he was able to find my port. Yayyy!!! Now on with the 2cc in my band. I drank some of the water (only 2 sips) and it wouldn't go down. I started burping and spitting. I WAS TOO TIGHT!!!

Well I got 1cc in my band today and now of course Im on liquid until Wednesday morning. All in all I was very satisfied about my fill and it really wasn't all that bad. My next one is Aug, 15th. We will see what happens then.
I'm glad to hear that you have such a proactive doctor that noticed the problem and immediately fixed it. Sounds like you are in good hands Lynn! I was SO weirded out during my first fill when I sat up with that needle sticking out of me. But it was my Mom that nearly fainted! I was like "Mom, you dumped out and cleaned my incision drains for 3 days after surgery...and THIS os what grosses you out?" LOL
Glad that everything turned out well today!
Glad that everything turned out well today!
Yes, my girls are REAL troopers. They take care of me when im sick and etc. My 7yr old wants to be a Dr. and my 11 yr old, I don't know. She is already 5'6 and is looking into modeling. My Dr. is AWESOME!!! I kinda knew what to expect, I went with my hubby when he got his 1st fill on May 27th. But his was very quick and easy. Im just glad that he found my issue and got it fixed. I do know that my girls will not go with me on the next one. They will be back in school...