I am:
My seven day a week schedule is no different today save only two trips out for my contribution...the rest is all me and my house. Laundry, bedrooms, whipping kids into shape (ok not really whipping). Today I only need to bring with me water as I wont be out long...I have frozen bottles and liquid bottles already prepped...My focus is meds, getting them ALL in and ON TIME regardles sof what any one elses schedule wants of me.
Whats on tap for you today?
My seven day a week schedule is no different today save only two trips out for my contribution...the rest is all me and my house. Laundry, bedrooms, whipping kids into shape (ok not really whipping). Today I only need to bring with me water as I wont be out long...I have frozen bottles and liquid bottles already prepped...My focus is meds, getting them ALL in and ON TIME regardles sof what any one elses schedule wants of me.
Whats on tap for you today?
You sound much better today Chrissy...that's great to see! I'll be spending the day out in the field picking rock. I used to detest doing that but since I've lost 54# I see it as an excellent opportunity for me to get some good old fashioned exercise and sun since I don't go to the gym on Sundays!
I hope you're having a fabulous Sunday
I hope you're having a fabulous Sunday

Carla. 11/08/10.the 1st day of the rest of my life