I am so devastated and dissappointed that all the work and waiting that I have done for over a year seems to be for nothing. My caseworker refuses to fix my insurance and re open the case I had before. It was her mistake from the beginning. I just feel defeated, like I have no fight left. My surgery is not going to happen because now I have no insurance. I feel myself getting depressed and eating to make myself feel better which is a habit that I have spend a year on trying to correct and work through.... Its all getting undone :[ Help, I just feel so defeated again...
Sorry to hear your insurance won't cover surgery. Hopefully your insurance will cover some therapy, probably you'll have to pay a copay. I think it would really help with your eating. A therapist will help you get in touch with your emotions, and find healthier ways of dealing with them. It's too bad you won't have the tool of the band, but it doesn't mean you can't do it. Best wishes!
I would contact the insurance commisioner of my state and make a formal complaint as well as make one at your human resource dept.and with your insurance co. with someone higher up than her of course. There are a few lawyers that take on these kinds of things. I do not know how they work or anything but you may could contact one of them. Someone else on here has given out the name before I cannot remember it. Just complain everywhere you can and see if any of those outlets have any ideas for you! If it is her mistake you should go above her to speak to someone as she may not want to open it up and bring to light she messes up in the first place!
Maybe not all is lost .... I am not really familiar with your whole story but it seems if it is the ins fault someone there would have to fix it or would risk my calling the ins commisioner and any and everyone else that would listen! Squeaky wheel gets the grease!
Hang in there !
Maybe not all is lost .... I am not really familiar with your whole story but it seems if it is the ins fault someone there would have to fix it or would risk my calling the ins commisioner and any and everyone else that would listen! Squeaky wheel gets the grease!
Hang in there !