Home from Surgery
Hello everyone ~ ~ I made it home from my surgery on Friday the 27th and I'm feeling pretty good. I had lots of discomfort yesterday, but today it seems to be gradually leveling off. I feel pretty good, so far! I sleep a little bit, walk a little bit more and have been sipping water most of the day. I tried to eat a little bit of Jello, but that made my new tummy feel a little queasy, so I'll just stick to water and a little Gatorade for the rest of the day. I haven't had any trouble with gas pains, thank god. I think the little bit of walking has helped me out. I will check in and let you know how I'm doing tomorrow. Thanks for all the tips given to me before hand. Taking my pillow with me was definitely one of the most important ones.... Have a great Memorial Day everyone! Time for more medicine and a nap... Barb