Major Stuck Episode!
I'm so sorry the Dr. Kracker's didn't agree with you today. I just LOVE them and have one every day with laughing cow cheese for breakfast. I do have to be "mindful" and careful to eat them slowly and chew very well.
Which ones did you get? The Dr. K's I have are pretty big.. and one is 100 calories all on it's own. My fav. is the Organic Pumpkin Seed Cheddar Artisan Bread (says bread, but it's really a thick cracker).
Which ones did you get? The Dr. K's I have are pretty big.. and one is 100 calories all on it's own. My fav. is the Organic Pumpkin Seed Cheddar Artisan Bread (says bread, but it's really a thick cracker).
The only time I've had a "stuck" episode was before I had a fill. It was turkey & cheese roll-ups. I scarfed one way too fast and it felt like an elephant was sitting on my chest. It was the pits! I was about 10 minutes away from doing a speech in front of about 100 people. I was PETRIFIED that I was going to choke in front of them. It finally went down as I paced and talked to the group. But BOY did I learn my lesson!
Glad you got it down and you're on your way to feeling better!
Glad you got it down and you're on your way to feeling better!
It's funny how we have to learn things the hard way. I've had my band now for 8 months, so I should know better, but.... I was hosting a bridal shower on Sunday, and was scarfing down my delicious finger foods way too fast when.. Wham!!. I still had guests pouring in the front door. I was sliming, feeling like I was gonna hurl any moment.
I was making a bee-line across my living room to the bathroom. Everyone was trying to step in my way to brag about how good the food was. Thank God, I made it to the bathroom without hurling and ruining everyone else's appetite. Lesson learned, for the time being anyway. No matter how good the food is, you've got to slow down!