Looking for weight loss support/suggestions
I also quit using my dryer unless it was pouring rain. I hung clothes on my line. I put the basket at one end and walked back and forth to hang up each item.
I parked at the back of the parking lot at the grocery store and walked all around the perimeter of the store before I put anything in my cart. I carried my own groceries to my car, and then returned the cart all the way back to the store instead of putting it in a corral.
I put the silverware away one spoon at a time, then one fork at a time. I quit asking my kids to get things for me from other parts of the house.
After I lost my first 100, it started raining here and rained every day for a week. Where I live there's not a mall to walk in.. so I went and bought a weeks worth of gym membership and used the treadmill.
Get a good pedometer (Omron makes a good one for about 25.00 with a tether and it will work at your waist, in your pocket or in your purse) and try to get in 10,000 steps a day. It may take a while to work up to that, but if you can get in that many, you'll start seeing some results.
And get good shoes to walk in. It makes a huge difference. Hope this helps some.
as I was saying I started off small...30 minutes a day 5 days a week. Now I workout 90 minutes a day 6 days a week. 60 minutes of that is cardio and 30 minutes is weight lifting. I now do intervals and run for some of the time I'm on the treadmill. Considering not even 8 months ago I was barely able to walk 30 minutes straight. Now I am running!!! And I have lost 150 lbs since my surgery. I even had to increase my calories to fuel my workouts. How many "non-workout" people can increase their calories and still lose weight. I don't eat 1000 calories...I eat about 1400 calories. I have plateaus once in awhile but they rarely last more than 2-3 weeks. I am two years out and still losing at a very good pace.
To me exercise has been the most important part of my weight loss. I don't always like doing it but afterward I feel good inside and out.
The waiting is so hard, I know. Don't be disgusted with yourself. I know, easier said than done but you have started your journey to get healthier so feel good about that. We so judge ourselves by our "outsides" and not our "insides". Unfortunately, other people judge us too by our appearance so it is hard to feel good about yourself.
One of the first things I was told to do to prepare was to cut my portions down. The best I could do with that was not to take second helpings. You say you are all for eating healthy but you don't know where to start? Try cutting out or waayy down on sugars and white flour carbs. That's a big step right there. Try adding more fruits and veggies to your eating. Take the skin off your chicken. Little things like that can add up.
After you are banded it is soooo much easier to do all these things. Your portions will be very small but you'll feel satisfied. Maybe not right away, not until you get some fluid in your band. But just the band itself was keeping me from feeling hungry for about 10 weeks after!! That was a real blessing. Unfortunately it's not that way for everyone. My husband also just got banded and he is hungry quite a bit but hanging in there.
Although I was not hungry my head was going crazy for awhile there. Too bad we can't band our brains! But eventually the food obession left. Oh, it rears it's ugly head now and then and it's still not easy but it passes.
Walking is the best things you can do right now. I hated every minute of it but I did it, working up from 10 min to 30. Now, since I am in Florida, I use the community pool 4-5 times a week. I usually stay in the water for 1-2 hrs and the whole time I am moving not just floating around.
Do what you can and feel good about it!
Contact me anytime.
My weight is coming off so slow but I admit that my exercising has been hit or miss. I have promised myself that this week I will walk for an hour a day on my treadmill while I watch TV instead of sitting.
I'm not starting off with too much . I have been exercising for years but never consistently and I don't push myself. I was banded back in August and I know I could be much further along if I exercised like I should. I'm not a young chick anymore I need to step it up.
If you start now you'll give yourself a great advantage. The best to you.