Indefense if a doughnut?!?

on 5/26/11 5:41 pm - CA
There may be some validity to this article...
I definitely vilify food and then start to crave it... and I found recently with cake that if I allow myself to have it once in a GREAT while then it is not such a craving.... 
Thoughts? -daily-doughnut

The band may not be perfect, but it will be perfect for me!


Suzanne K.
on 5/26/11 8:34 pm - NJ
 I have been guilted all my young and adult life in believing that cake, cookies, sweets are grandmother always told me " a minute on the lips, forever on the hips."

Having a piece of cake or a cookie is one of my treats. I am grateful that I can have a sweet and not eat the whole box of cookies! I am satisfied with 1 or 2 .....not binging out on the whole cake!

Thank you lap band. I'm still working on getting rid of the shame and guilt over having a sweet.

I'll keep working on that!

Bette B.
on 5/26/11 9:16 pm
 Pardon me for a moment while I wipe the "Reverse Boston Creme" off my face.

I rarely get the craving for a donut, and for a long time, I didn't even LIKE them, but I do have one very occasionally, and even then I only eat about a third of one.


Banded 10 years & maintaining my weight loss!! Any questions, message me.

on 5/26/11 10:22 pm
Intetesting little article. I totally cut out bread, rice, pasta, sweets, potatoes et.. (all those "evil carbs") while I was loosing. Didn't have any of that stuff for about a year. I have addiction issues, and told myself food was just one of them. I felt like I could never have a "bad" food again.
Since loosing all the weight I have changed my perspective. I allow myself "bad foods" sometimes. I weigh myself everyday, and kind of base what I eat on the number. I do also have some bad days where I throw in the towell and eat whatever I want. I am struggling with 5 pounds I gained. So, I guess I am still working on doing things in moderation, something I am not good at. Thanks for the article.
crystal M.
on 5/26/11 11:45 pm - Joliet, IL
I allow myself a cheat day every month.  Then I can treat myself guilt free of any sweets I have been craving.  I find that knowing that day is there and I have something to look forward to it's easier for me to do with out.  I am a food addict and there's only so much cheating I can do before I go comletely nuts.  I also notice that if I cheat al little in public (like at work) I don't over do it..... But if I am home alone I will pig out!!!  So I keep it out of my house. 
on 5/27/11 1:27 am
Personally, there are some foods that I just do not eat anymore. 
I know that if I eat even a little, that they put me on a path to crave them and other high-sugar foods.

I work hard not to 'villify' them -- or give them any power in my head.
I simply remind myself that they 'are not my food'.

I don't think about the fact that I will never eat them again, I simply remind myself that 'today, they are not my food'.

There are plenty of 'once in a while' treat foods that I do consume --- but the list of 'not my food' is something I don't bend on.

I respect people's right (and ability) to eat those foods in moderation, I am just not built that way -- or the years of abusing those foods have made it so that my body cannot tolerate them in moderation.

on 5/30/11 4:08 pm - CA
On May 27, 2011 at 8:27 AM Pacific Time, kathkeb wrote:
Personally, there are some foods that I just do not eat anymore. 
I know that if I eat even a little, that they put me on a path to crave them and other high-sugar foods.

I work hard not to 'villify' them -- or give them any power in my head.
I simply remind myself that they 'are not my food'.

I don't think about the fact that I will never eat them again, I simply remind myself that 'today, they are not my food'.

There are plenty of 'once in a while' treat foods that I do consume --- but the list of 'not my food' is something I don't bend on.

I respect people's right (and ability) to eat those foods in moderation, I am just not built that way -- or the years of abusing those foods have made it so that my body cannot tolerate them in moderation.
Hey Kath et al-

I really like what you said about "its not my food"  I use this same terminology  in relation to my clients but NEVER thought of it for food!!! I gotta keep that in mind in the future when one of those sneaky cravings appears!!!

I really like everyones thoughts about this.  I hate the idea if making food of any sort my enemy, but it seems to be that way.. my life long challenge to my relationship with food!

Nice to know I am CERTAINLY not alone!!

The band may not be perfect, but it will be perfect for me!


on 5/27/11 2:13 am - TX
I've adopted a slogan.. enough to satisfy, but not sabotage.

I can let myself have one, two or even three small bites of almost anything.. but no more.  I don't like to use the word "cheat" in regards to food.   I'm more about good choices versus not so good choices.

Cake & sweets are not so much my nemesis, I don't crave them. But if they're in the house, I'd probably eventually eat them. So, I don't have them around.  *****ally NEEDS cake anyway?  Last time I had any was about 2 weeks ago at the intermission of "Steel Magnolias" when they served slices of 'bleeding armadillo grooms cake'.  I shared a slice with my husband.  Had my 2 or 3 bites.

I am getting stronger though.. there's a loaf of french bread in the kitchen that I'm going to have to throw out today.  It's getting moldy and hasn't been touched.  In my previous life I'd feel guilty about wasting food.  Today I will take it out and feed the birds and squirrels.  :)

I am with CMA.. there are certain foods I just can not keep in my house.  I discovered that most crackers are on that list.  
"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference." Reinhold Niebuhr

Karen R.
on 5/27/11 5:35 am - Peoria, AZ
I eat a plain doughnut or a little cake every once in a while and never feel guilty about it. That is the way life should be.
on 5/30/11 10:32 pm
I agree with Karen.  A vet on here told me when I first started last summer was Moderation not Deprivation and so far its working for me .

Pepsi was my total downfall before surgery it was my drink .   I have had my surgery since late Nov and I really started to miss my Pepsi.  It really hit me hard when it got warmer out .  Mowing the yard and come back in for a nice ice cold Pepsi yum lol.

Well, I had a small drink two weeks ago and you know what .? Nothing. I couldn't stand the stuff, it was way to sweet and just didn't taste like the Pepsi I use to adore lol .

Now, since I had that drink the urge for Pepsi is gone .

But I have come to find out for me , if I want something and dont allow myself to have it then I will find or try anything and everything to make up for what I want.  I end up eating twice as much and as much calories if I would have just given in and ate what I wanted.

I guess I'm just so set in my mind that I'm tired of being overweight, we just got a brand new pontoon boat and I want to be able to get up the ladder so I can swim , I just dont let the foods control me no more.   I eat what I want, but this surgery has really taught me , portion control and moderation which I'm very happy about because we know the band problems and I feel if something happens I have learned some really good habits to carry on .

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