I usually keep my mouth shut with all the Band Bashing posts...

on 5/26/11 4:42 am
But I have to say, it really, REALLY irritates me when people I don't even know, and don't care to know, feel they can judge my life and my personal decisions. The arrogance is overwhelming to me.

Not everyone who has a band will have to have "multiple surgeries."

Not everyone who has a band will experience a slip.

Not everyone who has a band will learn to eat around it and gain back all the weight they've lost.

I am not stupid. I am not uneducated. Or naive. I did my homework before getting my surgery. I made this decision with my eyes wide open, and I would do it again tomorrow. I personally know NUMEROUS people who have achieved and maintained successful weight loss with their bands. Some had the same surgeon I had. Some live in other states across the country.

Just to give an example here...statistics say that most people who join Weigh****chers will "fail." Meaning, they will not reach their goal weight on the program. Does that give me the right to join a Weight Watchers board and tell them all they are DOOMED to fail? To snicker and insult them and laugh at their stupidity for even trying? When someone is 5 pounds away from their goal weight on Weigh****chers, should I say, "HA! Sure, you're happy NOW. Come back and talk to me in 3 years! There's no way you're going to keep that weight off!"

So, my question here is, do you have a crystal ball? Is that how you know EXACTLY what's going to happen to me in the future with my band? Because I'd love to know where you got it. My husband and I could really use a winning lottery ticket and a nice long vacation.

And I get that this a public board, and freedom of speech and all that jazz. I just need to learn how to use that handy "block" feature they have on this site.

*Stepping off my soap box now*

You can't go back and make a brand new start, but you can start from now and make a brand new end. 

(deactivated member)
on 5/26/11 5:01 am - San Diego, CA
  I too did EXTENDED research on all surgeries and am SO pleased with my surgery of choice and success thus far.  Can't imagine things any other way...I'm too happy!!  Don't let them get to yah, sweet DawnMarie! 
on 5/26/11 5:09 am
I TOTALLY agree!  I have never, ever bashed a person's decision on their WLS.  I think choosing your WLS is like choosing your religion... it's your own personal decision.  And I LOVE it when people challenge me and tell me that I'll gain all the weight back.  They don't realize that I NEVER, EVER want to go back "there" so I will never let the new me go.  Most of the time, the ones who bash at me are those who have FAILED at WLS or in need of some sort of WLS. 

And yup, I too am a success story of Dr. T and Advanced Laparoscopic Associates!  They are TOP NOTCH!

Glad you are doing so well Dawn... I think I've asked you this before but was I your nurse at HUMC on 3 South?

Take care!

all the weight has been lost post-op..I LOVE MY BAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

highest weight: 333 pounds (I know I gained after my last "weigh in" in the doctors office so probably it's more like 340 pounds)
current weight: 151 pounds (7/12/11)
I've been at goal (165 pounds) for 6 months now and now on maintence.  I tend to go up and down depending on time of the month and such! 

on 5/26/11 5:32 am
Thanks, my friends!!! 

I'm usually really good about just ignoring it and letting it go over my head, but I guess I have a short fuse today. And I feel we need to speak up sometimes so new board posters see that there are many, many band successes here and everywhere!

Jan - Dr. T is the best! I had my surgery at Carlstadt so I didn't get a chance to meet you. I wish I did!

You can't go back and make a brand new start, but you can start from now and make a brand new end. 

Hermosa L
on 5/26/11 6:37 am
Not that any of us care to go search on other boards.. but there is NO perfect..

you see posts on other boards with the same issues.. regained weight.. struggling...haven't loss.. having issues.. I have complications.. we just don't go over there and blare HA I have a band and I don't have problems..

it's dumb! I love by band too but I left for awhile because I was tired of seeing the failed band tag and I hated when anyone asked a question they would say revise.

I mean come on its pretty childish .. I feel bad for those who had problems... but even if my band had to be taken out today I wouldn't of been as successful without and I couldn't have any other surger.. so what was my choice.. stay heavier or lose 100 pounds with the band...

I'm so over it too girl I feel ya!!
(deactivated member)
on 5/26/11 7:13 am - San Diego, CA
Happy Bandsters Unite!  Yes, we exist...and that is OKAY.  :)
(deactivated member)
on 5/26/11 8:35 am - Mayville, NJ
 Vent. We all need to vent. My small circle of friends are used to me calling up and saying "You got a minute cause Ima kill sommun" Then, once I have talked it out I am reminded that

If I am right I have no reason to be angry, and if I am wrong I have no right to be angry.

Thanks so much for sharing this, I know I have had days where I wanted to poke my sister who had another wls and dogs me right in the freakin eye.

But I havent because

If I am right....
Bette B.
on 5/26/11 8:38 am
 Well, maybe we should be polite and invite them to tea, and say to them all . . . 


Banded 10 years & maintaining my weight loss!! Any questions, message me.

on 5/26/11 8:45 am
 WTG Bette.

I just don't engage the crazy.  I think it's kinda pathetic they don't have anything better to do with their time.

I dunno I feel good...no gas/bm or reactive hypoglycemia issues.  I have a life.  I don't have time to fight about it.  


Bette B.
on 5/26/11 8:57 am
 Heck, not having to worry about fistulas, fissures and "sharts" is enough for me.


Banded 10 years & maintaining my weight loss!! Any questions, message me.

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