My update

on 5/25/11 1:00 pm
 I had posted a few weeks ago I was struggling a bit.  Nothing major but just eating more carbs and volume.  I've had a lot going on emotionally (my mom's moving into assisted living, oldest dd graduating from hs/going to college and a new job promotion).  Naturally the way I deal with  My band has been tremendously helpful in helping me not overeat, but I still have that compulsion..and always will.  I have a very good therapist and a great surgeon, so I scheduled myself for a little "tune up".  I can't tell you how much difference a good therapy session can make.  I know I'm struggling, but I'm doing ok.  I know what I need to do, and I also know this is not a race, it's life.  That feeling to medicate with food will always be with me, but I am NOT powerless in dealing with it.  I know my band has gotten a bit looser too, so am getting a small fill tomorrow.  My therepaist also made me realize that last 20 lbs isn't the most important thing right now...keeping off the 80 I lost IS. 

on 5/25/11 8:41 pm - NH
Great insight!!
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