Update, havent been to the board in awhile
I haven't been around for awhile, my hubby moved back from our last duty station a couple months ago and we have been really busy ever since. I have already gone to my orientation appointment which was very informative, I have also had my chest xray, ekg and a whole bunch of blood work done (not fun!). I had to wait for awhile for my first appointment with the surgeon but it has been scheduled for late June. I will probably be getting my referals for psych and the nutritionist at that appointment and hopefully by the time my kids start back to school I will have my surgery appoinment scheduled. I have been trying to work on my diet and exercise but I have not been very consistent lately. For the first month I wrote down everything I ate and all of my activities and was doing well, but lately I had slacked off and not been tracking things. I am doing better now and tracking all of my food again so I will have my food journal ready for when I see my surgeon and nutritionist. I hope that everyone is doing well and getting ready to enjoy the Memorial Day weekend.