newbies, fell off the wagon, need support etc (pictures)
this site can be BANANAS sometimes... you have to take the good with the evil I mean bad (haha) I have been around for sometime and even I get bothered.
If someone poses a question.. I'm not doing good with my food choices I need help suggestions??.. I would suggest good for you foods and NOT simply state your band won't help you should revise. That's not the question and to be honest I have been appauled at the answers lately. Heck it's even to the point where I read the question and respond I don't read the other comments so I don't get angry ...
If you choose to have lap band because that's the surgery you felt most comfortable with or it's the only surgery your insurance would cover .. It was the option you had available to you and you took it.. great for you.. I don't regret making the decision to have surgery .. it saved my life!!! I was 32 on the brink of some very serious co-moribities.. at 32.. I was 313 and growing width wise daily.. I have lost close to 100 pounds (had a minor set back) my expectation was very realistic I never went into surgery thinking I would accomplish a size 8 or 150 pounds. It was never my expectation or goal .. I have been heavy set my whole life.. the thinnest that I can remember was Jr High school 175 pounds and that was AFTER Jenny Craig. My goal was to lose 100 pounds and get my healthy back lose my co-moribilites then for vain lose another 30 pounds.. and I'm working on those next 30!
I have the band... I work with what I have.. I made some very bad choices food wise and ate around my band .. I consumed huge amounts of food and I wallowed in sorrow... my band did not drive me to the store and buy the cookies, cake, pizzzza, taco bell, chips, and nuts..I DID.. I ACTUALLY DROVE MYSELF TO THESE PLACES AND PURCHASED THESE ITEMS TO CONSUME. My BAND didn't make me do it.. I DID IT. Everyone's story is different some people have serious complications with their bands ... Luckly I haven't been one of them... my problem with the band is I did everything I wasn't suppose to .. I consumed mostly ice cream, chips, cookies, anything crispy I could get down .. I was wallowing in deep hole I dug myself.
I pulled myself out.. and I said as sad as I am.. my pants being tighter made me sadder.. I had to get out of this funk and I did. It hasn't been easy and I have done it without getting a fill not because I'm super woman but because I know there was behaviors I had to change within me .. I know I had to change why I ran to food to "feel" better otherwise nothing would change.. We have to change the inside for the outside to change... my band is not around my head. We have to remember we are in control.. even we feel so desperate. You have to rely on YOURSELF not your band to get you there.. you have to make the decision to pick chicken over enchillada.. (hey I'm Mexican that would be my choice)
I implore you to seek a support group in your area or find an accountability partner.. if you have fallen off the wagon and need help ASK FOR IT.. ask your hubby or your family to help you.. sometimes just getting rid of the treats at home helps because if you really DO want something you have to go out and buy it.. it's harder to resist when it's readily available to you ... If you about to have surgery or just had surgery ask yourself what do you want to accomplish.. set mini goals with yourself and be realistic...
Good Luck ...
on 4/27/11 5:20 am - Des Moines, IA
I actually have blocked certain people and coming to this board is so much more positive. I don't have time to deal with it. I try to fill my life with positive, supportive people and I try to help others.
Hope you have a great day,
And EVERYONE should remember that what you read on the Internet may or may not be total crap."
I am one of the "recently-surgeried", and I am a firm believer of building up, not tearing down. The only person who can make this work is ME. Just glad to have a pat on the back once in awhile or some constructive feedback. So to all who are still discerning WLS, trust your own instincts and do what's right for you. And do your research.
Okay, I'm officially down off my soapbox. Here are my pics.
~ Barbara
Gracias Amiga... (yes, I would have chosen the enchilada too!) lol
on 4/27/11 7:27 am
As long as you stay optimistic you have a chance to fulfill the dreams you have for yourself. Hopefully, with each passing year you will add to your arsenal of defenses against the addiction.
There are people who don't understand this, and frankly, I don't know how they got fat in the first place if they have so much control. You don't need to listen to them. Listen to yourself. You know what you want for yourself and you know how to get it. It isn't easy and it may never end, but you can certainly look better, feel better and enjoy getting there even if there are obstacles and enchiladas along the way.
Good luck
"Me agreeing with you doesn't preclude you from being a deviant."