I'm still around, just tired . . .

(deactivated member)
on 4/26/11 9:00 pm
 I sincerely hope that my griping about my band and the problems that I have had has not made you feel this way.  Bette I am truly happy for all of you bandsters that are able to rock your band.   I don't think you should feel any guilt about your band working and, for the most part, I think you look FABULOUS!!!!

I do however feel like I need to let people know my story just so they know they CAN have certain issues.

Anywho, if I made you feel bad at all I hope you know that all the *****ing I did came from a place of pain over not sleeping the past couple of weeks well. 
Bette B.
on 4/27/11 12:35 am
 Oh, LORD NO, Bear!  I feel for you, as I do for everyone who has band misery, and I'm so happy that you've found relief! I feel that everyone should post their experiences - good and bad - with the band.

What really pushed me over the edge was people who have NEVER had a band calling it ****e and telling people that every bump in the band road calls for a revision (especially the comment from the guy, who shall remain nameless, who is so new to his OWN revision that he probably hasn't even had his ******g stitches out yet knows what is right for everyone.)


Banded 10 years & maintaining my weight loss!! Any questions, message me.

on 4/26/11 9:13 pm
 Very awesome!  ...Very well said!!!  

HW-272, PreOp Diet Start-269, SurgWeight-256,                                               CurrentWeight 189. 
on 4/26/11 11:49 pm
Love ready anything you have to post it has helped me in many casses keep the post coming
Jean M.
on 4/27/11 12:14 am
Revision on 08/16/12
Thanks (once again) for telling it like it is, Bette!


Jean McMillan c.2009-2013 - Always a bandster at heart
author of Bandwagon (TM), Strategies for Success  with the Adjustable Gastric Band & Bandwagon Cookery. Bandwagon for Kindle now available on Amazon.  Read my blog at: jean-onthebandwagon.blogspot.com 





on 4/27/11 12:20 am

My only comment is, if you can use the language that you did on these forums and not get banned...no,one ever will!

I'm just saying. lol

Bette B.
on 4/27/11 12:39 am
 That's why OH has an adult content filter.

And trust me - I have read way, WAY worse on OH over the years. If you're truly fortunate, some DSer will come in and call you a "crazy c*nt" (and then deny that they did it, or say that you did it first.)  And yes, it happened to me.


Banded 10 years & maintaining my weight loss!! Any questions, message me.

javier rosario
on 4/28/11 2:39 am - NJ
i thought the adult filter was to prevent me from seeing before and after nude pictures
Bette B.
on 4/28/11 3:12 am
 LOL - I don't know about that, but it DOES block profanity to ***** instead of showing the word(s).


Banded 10 years & maintaining my weight loss!! Any questions, message me.

javier rosario
on 4/28/11 3:43 am, edited 4/28/11 3:44 am - NJ
when people say "you curse like a salior" I say  I m actually navy retired!!
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