
I Just Have One Question................

Stephanie M.
on 4/27/11 1:45 am
Just so you can back up your feelings that you didn't feel supported when you posted your 1yr band update...

www.obesityhelp.com/forums/lapband/4267264/1-Yr-Bandiversary -Update/

I came across it looking for old posts of people that had were helpful to me when I had my surgery and I haven't seen on here for a while...


  6-7-13 band removed. No revision. Facebook  Failed Lapbands and Realize Bands group and WLS-Support for Regain and Revision Group


Stephanie M.
on 4/25/11 11:56 pm, edited 4/26/11 12:04 am
Could be that we care because we have the same level of persistence as you in wanting to be heard and wanting to believe that WE made the right choice for us regardless of the dismal stats:( and other useful information that you and others who have valid issues continue to barrage us with on this board and on the main board. It is as if we should all run our asses down to the doctor and demand that our bands be ripped from our bodies ASAP.  When asked why we want to do this we will say "because of the large numbers of ppl posting on the internet forum told us our bands will fail us eventually..." how ridiculous is that???
The common thread that many people who have had a bad experience or complications with their band is, that because their band, implanted 2 years ago (last week/10 years ago) failed them, NO bands should be implanted in anyone, ever...

I love Mellie and NM's posts because they can state their case and put the facts out there and make us feel their pain...without alienating us, implying we are stupid for our choice or incapable of making the correct choice without asking permission from them first.

As far as arguing with you and insulting you, you get as good as you give.

You seem to have a sense of entitlement as far as "support" is concerned...you define it, you regulate it and you critique it and expect all of us to abide by your definition of support.  You once went so far as to criticize the entire lap band board for not responding to a post within the required time limit...that sort of "I'm the good witch and they're all bad witches" attitude is what alienates you from many people on this board. 

Do you all not see how moronic that would be if I did that?! No? I didn't think so! I give up!
It may not seem like it to you, but the question above implies that anyone who doesn't agree with you is a moron.  Read it from someone else's perspective...


  6-7-13 band removed. No revision. Facebook  Failed Lapbands and Realize Bands group and WLS-Support for Regain and Revision Group


on 4/26/11 2:53 am - TX

"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference." Reinhold Niebuhr

on 4/25/11 11:56 pm - Louisville, KY
Well for me I wanted to hear the GOOD and the BAD about the Band. The Dr. do make it sound like its just a walk in the park. But everybody it different with their band or any WLS.
When I read your story about your band and who you went thru to get your band. I think you were screwed to the HIGHEST and you self paid. On top of all that your band didn't work for you. But everytime you are on here it is negative (my opinion). I believe the band did do something for you. Im I not right??
I don't care how much you research any WLS, it still depends on you and how it will work for you. EVERBODY IS DIFFERENT when its comes to WLS. I would like to read other bad experiences with the band from other ppl, other than you. I think that why some ppl treat you a certain way. They only read your posts about the HOW BAD THE BAND IS.
Do you post anything else, other than HOW BAD THE BAND IS?? I would love to read other things. I don't think its right to be on this forum going back and forth with each other. Now that is just STUPID. Everyone on here are ADULTS, but act like kids.

Im getting the Band on May 10th and my hubby is getting his on Wednesday. This was our choice. I have read plenty of GOOD and BAD. But this is what we want.
I'm SORRY you have to keep going thru this and it is your right to post what you want , but think about what you write about sometimes...#justmyopinion
The best thing about the future is that it comes one day at a time...   
on 4/26/11 12:48 am, edited 4/26/11 12:49 am - TN

I would like to read other bad experiences with the band from other ppl, other than you.

Hey There! If you would like to read an experience not from Maria, check out my post on the Failed WLS forum: 


I hope both you and your husband have a better experience, but I would check to be sure that your insurance isn't instituting a "one WLS per lifetime" rule.

For me, I didn't feel like I heard the reality of the rate of complications or poor EWL stats prior to choosing the Lap Band. I definitely think this was my fault. The info was out there, but I was focusing on the good and was under the impression that only a few had complications. I think that may be why those of us who suffered complications with the band want to tell our stories and try to save others the same fate.

But if you are well informed and after knowing all the stats you still want the band, then that is your decision and we will wish you the best of luck.

Wishing you and your husband a smooth and speedy recovery!



on 4/26/11 7:27 am - Louisville, KY
Thanks Lindsey. Thats what I was trying to say. WLS is not for everybody. Some fail and some don't. I'm SORRY about what you went thru. With my research, I have been doing it since 2005. I though it would be the best for me. I also researched my insurance before I decided anything.  My hubby wanted the research last year and I showed him. He made his own decision. We can have a revision or another WLS if we have complications but Dr. has to request it.

I have a friend that is having a horrible time with her band. She was banded 4yrs ago. But she doesn't totally blame the band itself. She is very supportive of my decision. Like Im there for her, she is there for me.

The band might not work for me and then again it might. But I'm glad that I can do something that will help me to be a HEALTHIER ME...

The best thing about the future is that it comes one day at a time...   
on 4/26/11 12:02 pm - Athens, GA
On April 26, 2011 at 6:56 AM Pacific Time, veenie73 wrote:
Well for me I wanted to hear the GOOD and the BAD about the Band. The Dr. do make it sound like its just a walk in the park. But everybody it different with their band or any WLS.
When I read your story about your band and who you went thru to get your band. I think you were screwed to the HIGHEST and you self paid. On top of all that your band didn't work for you. But everytime you are on here it is negative (my opinion). I believe the band did do something for you. Im I not right??
I don't care how much you research any WLS, it still depends on you and how it will work for you. EVERBODY IS DIFFERENT when its comes to WLS. I would like to read other bad experiences with the band from other ppl, other than you. I think that why some ppl treat you a certain way. They only read your posts about the HOW BAD THE BAND IS.
Do you post anything else, other than HOW BAD THE BAND IS?? I would love to read other things. I don't think its right to be on this forum going back and forth with each other. Now that is just STUPID. Everyone on here are ADULTS, but act like kids.

Im getting the Band on May 10th and my hubby is getting his on Wednesday. This was our choice. I have read plenty of GOOD and BAD. But this is what we want.
I'm SORRY you have to keep going thru this and it is your right to post what you want , but think about what you write about sometimes...#justmyopinion

~I believe the band did do something for you. Im I not right??~

Yes you are correct. The first 2 wks. after  surgery I had no appetite at all b/c of the swelling. That is the only time I have had "restriction"

So yes the band did do something for me.............FOR 2 WKS.! I did NOT pay $!15,000 and put myself through the pain of surgery for 2 wks. worth of results!!!

I think that why some ppl treat you a certain way. They only read your posts about the HOW BAD THE BAND IS.~

True. So let me ask u this...............Why am I suppose to post on OH how good the band is??? I don't see all the happy bandsters trying to be fair and post how bad the band can be. Nor do I expect to. So why would you expect me to post on here how GOOD the band is when the other bandsters don't post the other side as well??? Now if you would like to convince them to personally post BOTH sides of the band............Then I would be more than happy to post BOTH sides personally as well! However I DON'T see that happening, lol!

Not sure how long you have been on here but I have always said that ppl need to hear BOTH sides of the band. Good AND bad! They tell the good..............my bad personal experience helps to balance it out just a bit.

Now b/c I stood behind what I have said all along.................when I started my blog I made sure that BOTH sides were represented equally. Ask anyone who has read it. In fact I tried so hard to be fair that the majority of my posts were POSSITIVE BAND POSTS! So what happens then??? Then I get TRASHED by one of OH's bandsters b/c I have possitive band info on there.

Well that will NOT be happening again! I will not take the possitive info down. But I will from now on post information that reflects how MY band experience has gone..............as well as the band experience of many bandsters with FAILED BANDS! If I'm gonna get trashed by the OH bandsters anyway...............I might as well just post artiicles that reflect MY band experience instead of being FAIR since I will not get credit for that anyway!

~Do you post anything else, other than HOW BAD THE BAND IS?? I would love to read other things. ~

Yes. As mentioned if you go to my website you will see possitibe artcles about the band and many more inspirational articles in general. In fact.............I will post one on here tonight! :-)

~I'm SORRY you have to keep going thru this and it is your right to post what you want , but think about what you write about sometimes~

I am glad that you think about it sometimes. So you have heard what I have to say about it and you and your husband have made up your minds. I don't expect to change everyones mind. I just want you all to know that for some ppl.................the band will NOT work.. Regardless of how many fills you have and how many band rules you follow............IT JUST DOESN'T WORK FOR SOME PPL! I have said what the band can be like and you have heard and made your decision, and my conscious is clear! :-)

That being said.............I very much hope that it works for you and your husband long term! We all want to be healthier and skinnier! We all had the  highest hopes and dreams when we got our bands.............but for some of us our dreams were smashed and burried. Now that would have been bad enough...........but imagine wasting that much  money on it............having your dreams smashed.........and then coming here for support only to be told that there is nothing wrong with your band................that it's your fault! That's how it can be but I pray that that doesn't happen to you and your husband!!! Best of luck to both of you!!!




Stephanie M.
on 4/26/11 12:09 am
and posts like this...

Athens, GA
Lap Band (11/03/09) Member Since: 08/10/09
[Latest Posts]

I really don't understand the pourpose of the thread? Why would you want just one side of the story???( The head in the sand thing has just never appealed to me.) If you want to hear from happy bandsters, well of course there are some. However they more than likely won't be playing that same tune in a few yrs. with all the slips/port problems/leaks that seem to be showing up on here every day!

So if you just want happy stories..........yes........you will fiind that. But many of these happy bandsters that are replying now aren't going to be quite so happy in a few yrs.

Your approach seems to be like..............lets research and get Consumer Reports..........................but I wanna take a permanent marker and black out the parts of the report that I don't like. Just doesn't seem like a very effective approach to  me?

But anyway................good luck!

Formerly Fluffy


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  6-7-13 band removed. No revision. Facebook  Failed Lapbands and Realize Bands group and WLS-Support for Regain and Revision Group


Ms Shell
on 4/26/11 1:52 am - Hawthorne, CA
Maria it's SIMPLE people like to attack others (not all but some) and to be honest SOME of your posts to others can come off as superior.  Now with that said...you have THICK skin and you WILL prevail.  Keep doing YOU and let the b*tches fall behind you.

MS Shell (who LOVES her Toyota as well and thank God it goes forward)

"WLS is only for people who are ready to move past the "diet" mentality" ~Alison Brown
"WLS is not a Do-Over (repeat same mistakes = get a similar outcome.)  It is a Do-BETTER (make lifestyle changes you can continue forever.)" ~ Michele Vicara aka Eggface

on 4/26/11 12:42 pm - Athens, GA
On April 26, 2011 at 8:52 AM Pacific Time, Ms Shell wrote:
Maria it's SIMPLE people like to attack others (not all but some) and to be honest SOME of your posts to others can come off as superior.  Now with that said...you have THICK skin and you WILL prevail.  Keep doing YOU and let the b*tches fall behind you.

MS Shell (who LOVES her Toyota as well and thank God it goes forward)

Lol. Yeah I'm a big fan of that car going forward thing myself! ;-)



