First and last visit to the Main Forum

on 4/25/11 4:16 pm - Athens, GA
On April 25, 2011 at 2:58 PM Pacific Time, N. M. wrote:
I'd like to know this, as well. Even when I posted on the Failed forum, I got **** for it. Apparently you're supposed to just fall off the face of the earth when your band fails you?

N.M. I have been told numerous times NOT to post on this forum. Or NOT to post "negative" things on this forum. You know the line they use............"your scaring the newbies!"

So my question is.........why do the newbies take prescident over the not newbies that have bands that don't work and are already scared???? Anybody??????????? I didn't think so!


on 4/25/11 4:13 pm - Athens, GA
On April 25, 2011 at 2:22 PM Pacific Time, redbabe08 wrote:
please tell me where someone unhappy with their band - or those who have complications should post?

Exactly! I thought it was the Lap-Band forum. Not the "My Lap-Band works perfect and I love it" forum!

Do you ppl have NO compasion at all for all the members here with FAILED BANDS??? Nevermind. Don't answer that. I already know the answer!


Stephanie M.
on 4/25/11 7:24 am -Chart-Please-Participate/

you will find many on this post who are complication free and successful...


  6-7-13 band removed. No revision. Facebook  Failed Lapbands and Realize Bands group and WLS-Support for Regain and Revision Group


on 4/25/11 8:47 am - Vancouver, WA
Don't let this terrify you just be aware that problems can develop even with the best of care, not to bash the band but to make everyone aware that no surgery is 100% fail proof. You can do everything right and still have issues maybe not life threatening or even serious but it can take some working with to get the most out of your band, Yes, there are folks like me who have problems but there are also folks who have few if any issues. I wish them no ill will I just want new folks to know this isn't a perfect surgery, none of them are. I'm just grateful mine is resovled so far by emptying my band. Don't be terrified just be aware!
(deactivated member)
on 4/25/11 9:18 am - Des Moines, IA
I haven't had any problems, but I am realistic and realize that each day I get with no problems is a gift.  I try to take care of my band and follow the rules, but being a nurse, I know things can go bad with any procedure and it can be just plain bad luck.  And sure there  are some that didn't follow the rules and things went bad and then there are some that followed the rules and something went wrong.  The one thing I can be sure of is, being obese and not doing something was a 100% guarantee that my quality of life was not going to get better.

I don't encourage or discourage the band.  I just tell my story. 
on 4/25/11 10:36 am - TX
being obese and not doing something was a 100% guarantee that my quality of life was not going to get better.

Excellent point.

Myself, banded a little more than 2 years.  No complications other than a slight overfill about a year ago and that was easily fixed by a removal of a tiny amount of saline.

I am a "results not typical" bandster.   Have lost 195 lbs in 2 years.  First 100 was lost in 7 months.

My ONLY regret regarding the band so far is that I didn't do it sooner, but on the other hand, I might not have been mentally ready to make all the changes I have made in the past two years.  To everything there is a season.

"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference." Reinhold Niebuhr

Angelique J.
on 4/25/11 2:01 pm - Allentown, PA
No complications and was 3 years this past March. On a slightly side note to someone above Ithink people with band problems should post here and that newbies (and everyone else) need to read everything that being banded means including failure rates and horror stories and complications for various reasons. People say they hate the haters and the hate the drama and so on an so forth but loo at which posts get the most hits - drama and/or complications!

HW - 366+/1stSW - 325/CW - 301/GW - 200,

Lap-banded 3-5-2008, planning for revision to RNY 

J.A.C.+M  poly w/ child

on 4/25/11 4:21 pm - Athens, GA
On April 25, 2011 at 9:01 PM Pacific Time, vorpalswrd wrote:
No complications and was 3 years this past March. On a slightly side note to someone above Ithink people with band problems should post here and that newbies (and everyone else) need to read everything that being banded means including failure rates and horror stories and complications for various reasons. People say they hate the haters and the hate the drama and so on an so forth but loo at which posts get the most hits - drama and/or complications!

That is a very valid point! Ppl on here are always saying how they hate the drama and negativity on here.............but let Bette post a wonderful story on here about her work with St. Baldricks...............And at the same time if I did a post saying "CRAP BAND"...............everyone is going to jump on my thread to argue about it! They then seem to completely forget that they claim not to like drama and negativity. They forget they claim it's a "support forum" and completely ignore the support one of it's members needs for a very worthy cause.!


on 4/26/11 1:08 am - Fredericksburg, VA
Over 4 years with the band and no problems whatsoever. You can visit my profile to see some pictures. I haven't figured out how to post them here. \\\


on 4/26/11 1:20 am
I just posted the below comment on another post similar to this.

I've said it once and I'll say it again,

Misery loves company!

It doesn't matter what fails us in life,(marriages, children, parents, siblings, job, THE BAND,and the list goes on and on) if it doesn't work out, do what you can about it and move forward. 

It's one thing to say you "do it to help others", and just plain being a ranting lunatic.

I'm just saying!

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