Help for a friend?

The New Mrs
on 4/12/11 7:52 am - Mooresville, NC
VSG on 02/09/12
My friend was banded four weeks ago and her doc did not do a primer/equilibrium fill....and he's not planning to fill her for ANOTHER FOUR WEEKS.  She's discouraged and upset and isn't even interested in going through the process anymore.  Do any of you have any ideas to help her through this very difficult time?  I know it's bandster hell, but how can we encourage her to continue this journey during this rough time?

Thanks for your time!

Lap Band Surgery 12/19/2009, revised to Sleeve 2/9/2012


Next goal:  183
on 4/12/11 7:56 am - San Antonio, TX
Hi, Julie!

Remind her that the doc may want to make sure that all her swelling is gone before giving her a fill.  I also found coming to this site and talking to people and reading about their journeys helped.  Is she part of OH?
Banded on 8/13/09!
The New Mrs
on 4/12/11 8:01 am - Mooresville, NC
VSG on 02/09/12
I think she lurks from time to time...I've never seen her post here. 
Lap Band Surgery 12/19/2009, revised to Sleeve 2/9/2012


Next goal:  183
on 4/12/11 7:57 am

I feel so bad for people who have dr's that don't make them get band educated first thing.   I was not filled for 8 weeks and yes I know bandster hell.   My dr only puts in .5 cc's at a time to make sure your band is accepting for the long term.

Perhaps she should possibly purchase JeanM's book to learn all she can about the band.   I wish her luck!

Band removed and feeling alive with energy!

The New Mrs
on 4/12/11 8:01 am - Mooresville, NC
VSG on 02/09/12
I bought her Jean's book. I hope it arrives this week and will help her!
Lap Band Surgery 12/19/2009, revised to Sleeve 2/9/2012


Next goal:  183
Jean M.
on 4/12/11 10:14 am
Revision on 08/16/12

You're a good friend (no surprise there), but all I can tell your friend (besides reading my book) is: HANG IN THERE!

I didn't get my first fill until 8 weeks post-op because my surgeon wanted to make sure everything was healed properly. Bandster hell was no fun but at least I knew in advance that I'd have to wait for a fill.

I can understand that your friend is disappointed and currently unmotivated, but I hope she realizes that her first fill won't necessarily flip a weight loss switch in her...she's still going to have to do plenty of work to lose weight even when she has super-duper restriction.

So, I can only repeat: hang in there!


Jean McMillan c.2009-2013 - Always a bandster at heart
author of Bandwagon (TM), Strategies for Success  with the Adjustable Gastric Band & Bandwagon Cookery. Bandwagon for Kindle now available on Amazon.  Read my blog at: 





on 4/12/11 12:14 pm - Bristol, Canada
Your dedication to your friend is terrific.  Just wanted to let your friend know that I was banded Feb 18th.  Saw my surgeon last Friday for what I expected was my first fill.  He told me I'm right on track with a 29 lb loss and that no fill was needed.  He said some people don't need them and continue to have success.  I lose about a pound per week, roughly speaking, and am not unhappy at all with my progress.  My doctor said he did not put anything in my band at insertion.  I've had several posts from people indicating they're 3 or 4.5 months out and no fill as yet and they continue to succeed.  I don't have any sliming, pb's or stuck issues, although I cannot eat too fast, nor can I eat too much.  Working really well and I wish your friend the same success.  Good luck!!
on 4/12/11 8:23 am

I also did not have a fill until 8 weeks post op. But I knew going in that my dr. would not fill before then. I am glad you ordered her Jean's book, t was really helpfull for me. Tell her to hang in and to check out the posts! It gets better nad it gets worse...wouldn't change my band for anything!

on 4/12/11 8:57 am - China Grove, NC
I did not get a primer fill either .( Dr H thought the band was already pretty snug w/o it ) I know she is discouraged but hopefully Jean's book will help . I also looked at before and after pics and whined on here and kept a blog and read others as well.That helped too. Just try to remind her she has came so far and she has to stick it out and that we all whether we get fills at 4 wks or 8 wks suffer thru this kind of thing . Also maybe telling her not to sweat the weight loss part right now just to heal and get used to the band diet as her Dr allows her too. You are a good friend to try to keep her motivated !

Kim S.
on 4/12/11 9:08 am - North of Boston, MA
Tell her to take a deep breath and hopefully she knew from the start that the band is a "slow and steady", not a quick fix.  I didn't get my first fill until 8 weeks post-op, it took 3 fills to feel any restriction at all, 5 fills to get any decent restriction and a year of careful, slow fills to get to my "sweet zone" (IMHO the sweet spot per se is a myth/impossibility).

I'm extremely happy with my band and my results and would do it all again.  However, there wasn't some giant weight loss right at the start.


Down 95+ pounds and still trucking along

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