Why am I so odd?
You mentioned chicken and shrimip. I can't eat either of those foods without some sort of sauce or in a liquid like soup even after almost two years of being banded. I usually eat chicken in a salad with a generous portion of low-fat dressing or with barbeque sauce. Luckily, shrimp ****tail sauce is low in calories and fat. HOwever, I do like to try new dipping sauces for both foods.
My doc's office wanted me to try steak. After getting stuck, I haven't done it yet, but will tonight as hubby is grilling one. Baked talapia works well for me, as does ground meats. I do OK with soupy chicken and really chewed shrimp, but I feel it all the way down. So I tend to shy away from them. Chicken salad works pretty well, as does tuna salad and egg salad.