Any really big people (or ex-big people)...
DS on 08/20/12
Yes, I believe there is a bond. We have been thereand done that. I hve learned to not be so quick to judge. Sometimes I see domeone staring and I instantly out my guard up. Then they approach me and compliment me on my hair color/style. It does make my bday to have someone say something nice instead of something negative.
RNY on 05/21/19
Happy belated Birthday and congrats on that 1/2 mile. I didn't say it before, but I was thinking it. I too think you are brave and inspiring. Keep up the awesome work and you'll be dancing before you know it.
Current MD- Dr. Mikami, Honolulu Hawaii
Lapband 14cc AP Lg in 2008- slipped and removed 2016 -VSG July 21, 2016-dx Gerd
** RNY Revision 05/21/2019 **
"A few drops of hope can water and nourish our garden" - Jean M
DS on 08/20/12
You have no idea how much everyone's kindness and support means to me. It gives me the encouragement I need to keep pushing toward my goals. BTW I am walking twice a week and Friday I walked an extra two laps over the 1/2 a mile. Before I couldn't even make it from the couch to the bathroom. Tomorrow I will go walking again. I can not wait until the pool opens up. I love swimming. Being from a small town I don't feel AS self conscious becaue everyone there knows me so it's not like they don't already now I am big.
DS on 08/20/12
My brother who passed away almost 10 yrs ago, was SMO at 411 lb and it broke my heart to see him suffer. There are many reasons why he, my youngest brother and I all became obese, but losing him was the single most devastating event in my life (and there have been many). My youngest brother had his lap-band surgery almost 2 yrs ago and has done great, going from 325 lbs (6 ft tall) to just over 200. He does triathalons pretty much every weekend during the season and was my inspiration for getting my surgery. I wish that Matt had the opportunity to have weight loss surgery, but he did not.
I have been watching Ruby lately and OMG, do I relate to her...the letters she wrote during her adolesence remind me of myself, though I was pretty thin **** when I got married)....I was in my mid-20's when I started gaining.
I am so happy to be shopping in the misses dept rather than plus sizes...
I have been watching Ruby lately and OMG, do I relate to her...the letters she wrote during her adolesence remind me of myself, though I was pretty thin **** when I got married)....I was in my mid-20's when I started gaining.
I am so happy to be shopping in the misses dept rather than plus sizes...

I've been checking out Ruby lately too and saw the ones on her letters - I haven'****ched her in a while - I noticed that she seems to have come to a standstill although she has done a GREAT job and I applaud her for what she is doing and wish her continued success...I need some of the motivation they give her to get up and boogie, I'll tell you that much. I have her on my DVR to watch as it helps to hear/see what others go through in their battle to help put your own into perspective - also lets (me) know I really need some head therapy for my stomach...I have been heavy since I was 5 - morbidly so - with only a few years here & there even anywhere "near" thin - with a "fat" body of so much sag & bag no matter the weight! But I am happy I'm getting back on track - not perfect by any means, but going down instead of up is an awesome feeling...I can look at my (face) again and think this what normal must look like?
Hi Kate, I too love your new pic - fabulous!! I think we all should be applauded for the effort and strength required to make these WLS decisions and for the desire to change our lives. Five hundred or 300 pounds we are all heroes and those who love us will thank us for being proactive about staying around longer.
At my highest I was 354 lbs and watching those shows about people that are so over weight they are bed bound scared me because I felt that was going to be me one day. I was gaining weigh so fast and I was just a hop skip and a jump from 400!!! I would see people on the previews of the shows and I would think...that will be me one day. At a few points during my life I was so sure that was my fate I used it as an excuse to eat more. My thought process was "Well I really screwed things up now...I will never be able to lose all of this weight. I might as well eat that medium pizza and enjoy myself while I can" Which of course made me gain weight...which then proved to me how right I was...It was a vicious circle.
My daughter asked me once why I didn't try to lose weight sooner and I told her it got to the point that I just lost all hope and gave up. I am now 218 lbs and I still have a little bit of that fear in me that I will slide back into my old habits and gain weight and end up bed bound. But now I use that fear to make myself workout and eat healthy. I say to myself "well you can't weigh 354 lbs if you are jogging 5 miles a get off your ass and jog!!!"
I know it's such a weird thing to fear. Some people fear spiders and needles....I still can't bring myself to watch any of those shows. I know those shows are there to inform and motivate people but I guess they have the opposite effect on me.
My daughter asked me once why I didn't try to lose weight sooner and I told her it got to the point that I just lost all hope and gave up. I am now 218 lbs and I still have a little bit of that fear in me that I will slide back into my old habits and gain weight and end up bed bound. But now I use that fear to make myself workout and eat healthy. I say to myself "well you can't weigh 354 lbs if you are jogging 5 miles a get off your ass and jog!!!"
I know it's such a weird thing to fear. Some people fear spiders and needles....I still can't bring myself to watch any of those shows. I know those shows are there to inform and motivate people but I guess they have the opposite effect on me.