Help, second thoughts on getting the lap band -Tomorrow!!
My surgery is tomorrow, and I thought I had reasearched this type of WLS enough. I am having second thoughts after talking to someone that absolutely said that it was the biggest mistake of her life. She lost 60lbs and gained 50lbs because she can not afford the refills. She said food is not enjoyable and you can't enjoy a slice of bread without throwing it up! When I initially went to meet with the surgeon in September 2010, I just wanted to have the lap band. He recommened the sleeve because of a more effective weight loss, and less work for the patient. I weigh 226lbs, and have no illnesses (thank God), but suffer with right knee pain due to injury. I have always struggled with my weight, but was able to stay between 180lbs-190lbs for over 10 years. I stopped smoking, had a bladder lift, and surgery to my right knee all within in three years. Prior to all that, I went to the gym at least 3 times a week. My goal is to lose at lease 70lbs, and and keep it off
I need support ASAP!!!
I need support ASAP!!!
Hello Everyone,
I did it! I am 3 day post op! I feel good, and I have not taken any pain killers since I left the hospital Tuesday morning. The first two days I felt pressure around my abdomen and shoulder; but the nurse told me that it was gas and it would go away as I walked. I was very hungry last night around 4am, but I got up and had a a little Crystal light and eventually fell asleep again. today I started on soft foods, so I had some cream of wheat with splenda. So far, so good.
I did it! I am 3 day post op! I feel good, and I have not taken any pain killers since I left the hospital Tuesday morning. The first two days I felt pressure around my abdomen and shoulder; but the nurse told me that it was gas and it would go away as I walked. I was very hungry last night around 4am, but I got up and had a a little Crystal light and eventually fell asleep again. today I started on soft foods, so I had some cream of wheat with splenda. So far, so good.

Revision on 08/21/12
It is normal to have second thoughts just before surgery, but I will give you my perspective on some of your concerns.
I lost 65 pounds, eat bread and whatever else I like, though some things are harder than others. I could not eat all of those things for a while, but with care it has come. Not everyone has the same results. If you can't live with the work the band requires or the time it takes to get enough fills to get restriction you should reconsider. I was prepared for that and am happy with my decision.
Yes, you can regain your weight but you do not have to. There are many who have not, and many who have regained a portion then gotten it back off. No wls, including the sleeve, will work if you do not make wise choices. You will have to change your eating behaviors for life. Period. If you choose to eat around your band, sleeve, or RNY tool you will not lose weight and you will gain. It is as easy as that. Not every one loses all their weight, but anyone who is willing to work will lose. Anyone who is willing to work will maintain. We all have issues with food and that doesn't go away just because we have had surgery. Any surgery.
If you don't have insurance, or are in an iffy job situation I would recommend going with a sleeve. The band is expensive to maintain. Period. Other than that you just have to consider what you want and what you can live with.
Good luck with what ever you choose, and please, keep us posted. I will be praying for you, Sue
I lost 65 pounds, eat bread and whatever else I like, though some things are harder than others. I could not eat all of those things for a while, but with care it has come. Not everyone has the same results. If you can't live with the work the band requires or the time it takes to get enough fills to get restriction you should reconsider. I was prepared for that and am happy with my decision.
Yes, you can regain your weight but you do not have to. There are many who have not, and many who have regained a portion then gotten it back off. No wls, including the sleeve, will work if you do not make wise choices. You will have to change your eating behaviors for life. Period. If you choose to eat around your band, sleeve, or RNY tool you will not lose weight and you will gain. It is as easy as that. Not every one loses all their weight, but anyone who is willing to work will lose. Anyone who is willing to work will maintain. We all have issues with food and that doesn't go away just because we have had surgery. Any surgery.
If you don't have insurance, or are in an iffy job situation I would recommend going with a sleeve. The band is expensive to maintain. Period. Other than that you just have to consider what you want and what you can live with.
Good luck with what ever you choose, and please, keep us posted. I will be praying for you, Sue
I wanted to reach out because of the sound of your desparation. I am scheduled for the band on 6/24/11. So my comments are from someone facing surgery rather than after.
You have done alot of research, do you want to change what you've been planning based on one person? I have met several people who have said that they are thrilled that they had the band. I think you can find people on both sides of pro and con. It's really a personal decision. I know people who have had the sleeve and bypass, and they have been happy too. It seems that the surgery is what you make it to some extent. My surgeon has told me that I can meet with success with any procedure - as long as I do what I need to do. He also said all of them could fail if I don't do what I need to do.
I know it's not the answer you may want to hear, but I suspect that you can post pone the surgery if you need more time. No reasonable doc will want you to have a surgery that you don't want. Not to sound mercenary, but your doc wants good stats, and an unhappy patient is bad for his/her stats.
Good luck. It's your body. You have the right to make decisions that are best for you. It's normal to be nervous. I'm sure I'll be questioning my decision too. (I just had a hysterectomy on 3/12 and nearly chickened out). It would probably be unusual for anyone to not be nervous. Review your reasons for wanting the band, and hopefully that will help you make the decision that fits you!
I wish you the best!
You have done alot of research, do you want to change what you've been planning based on one person? I have met several people who have said that they are thrilled that they had the band. I think you can find people on both sides of pro and con. It's really a personal decision. I know people who have had the sleeve and bypass, and they have been happy too. It seems that the surgery is what you make it to some extent. My surgeon has told me that I can meet with success with any procedure - as long as I do what I need to do. He also said all of them could fail if I don't do what I need to do.
I know it's not the answer you may want to hear, but I suspect that you can post pone the surgery if you need more time. No reasonable doc will want you to have a surgery that you don't want. Not to sound mercenary, but your doc wants good stats, and an unhappy patient is bad for his/her stats.
Good luck. It's your body. You have the right to make decisions that are best for you. It's normal to be nervous. I'm sure I'll be questioning my decision too. (I just had a hysterectomy on 3/12 and nearly chickened out). It would probably be unusual for anyone to not be nervous. Review your reasons for wanting the band, and hopefully that will help you make the decision that fits you!
I wish you the best!
This is a decision that you have to make for yourself. If you are unsure about getting surgery at all or getting the band in particular, I suggest talking to your surgeon. If your friend was unable to follow up with fills, it is understandable that she regained weight. The fills help you to control portion size as well as hunger. Even if someone gets a different type of surgery, they will still have follow up visits with their doctor, so you can expect to be seeing him/her a lot in the first year. I see my surgeon every six weeks wheter I need a fill or not. I'm lucky in that the cost of my fill is included in office visit co-pay. I can still eat almost everything that I want, I just have had to slow down and chew more. I caution you on relying too much on other people's experiences because a lot of us have had radically different experiences as far as what foods we cannot eat. For example, I cannot always eat a solid breakfast, I usually have oatmeal. You will find on OH plenty of experiences from people who have had great success with their band and plenty who have had completely opposite experiences.

If you honestly ARE UNSURE about the band, you can always postpone and re-evaluate and reconsider all the options until you are POSITIVE that you have chosen the right surgery for you and your lifestyle.
If there is a possibility that you won't be able to afford fills, DO NOT get the band. It will not work correctly unless you are able to reach a proper fill level and you cannot do that without fills.
If you are just getting cold feet about ANY WLS, it's normal, and really not much to worry about.
If you are concerned because of what foods you may or may not be able to eat after surgery, remember that it foods and our reactions to them that brought us to the point of obesity that requires WLS. Sometimes, a small sacrifice is one that we need to make to ensure that we can continue to enjoy LIFE. For me, beef is and has been an issue since my surgery. Do I miss a good steak? Yes. Am I willing to give up a steak if it means that I'm happy, healthier and able to live a longer life? HELL YES! Other than that, I am able to enjoy pretty much everything as long as it's chewed properly and in moderation.