1-3 Month Post-surgery Slump

on 3/15/11 6:41 am - IL
Ok. Tell me if anyone has either experienced or is experiencing this feeling. I'm almost 2 months post-surgery and I'm loosing the weight, but I have a long way to go. I'm still considered obese and is still many times the biggest one in the room. Even though I'm on my way to a healthier weight, I still feel like I felt before the surgery. I see all the success stories and still can't see myself ever being thin. My whole life I've seen others weight loss success and feel like the third man out. I see my progress, but will this be enough?


on 3/15/11 6:47 am
It helped me to set small goals -- 5 pounds at a time.

Yes, I had to lose 5 pounds 26 times, but that seemed more reasonable to me than staring 130 pounds in the face.

I still don't see myself as being thin --- I am not sure when it will kick in for me.
I am in a comfortable size 8 blouse and size 8 or 10 pants and I still think that will wake up one day and the 'spell will be broken' and I will need my old size 26 jeans back.


on 3/15/11 6:49 am - IL
You are so right. Small, reasonable goals. I have to start focusing again like before my surgery....The eye of the tiger. Lol.


(deactivated member)
on 3/15/11 7:24 am - San Diego, CA
My advice EXACTLY, Kath!!! Great post. :)
(deactivated member)
on 3/15/11 7:15 am, edited 3/15/11 7:18 am

Just take it one day at a time and do t he best that you can. It takes months and months before your brain really grasps everything, I just ordered some pants and it was a real mental block for me to realize my size was small petite. It took me two days to wrap my brain around that size and order them (they fit perfect). I know I am small, but sometimes I still think of myself before I lost all my weight. One time I was walking in the mall and I saw this slim woman in a store reflection, I admired the size she was. When I got closer to the reflection I realized it was me.

on 3/15/11 7:18 am - Bristol, Canada
I always feel like the elephant in the room, regardless.  Last summer I overheard someone comment LOUDLY in a small local restaurant (where everyone knows us) about my size.  I don't know when that changes but am determined to MAKE it change.  We can all do this.  I have wanted this all of my life, as I'm sure you have.  I'm one month out of surgery and am determined to be happy with the weight loss, even a small amount.  For once we are going down in weight and not up!!  You WILL succeed and we are all here to help with encouragement.  Keep us posted on your progress.  I am inspired by those who have gone before and have great faith in us.
(deactivated member)
on 3/15/11 7:29 am - San Diego, CA
Ugh, HOW RUDE that someone commented on that in a restaurant!  I swear, people have no tact.  Well, I think you're beautiful FWIW. Just like the original poster who is going through a slump...you can do this and you WILL prevail!!!  Sorry you had to deal with that though.  It always used to happen to me when I was out with my skinny friends.  Always the biggest girl in the group and people would be nice enough to point that out.  Like I didn't know already jerks! :)


on 3/15/11 7:50 am
 Don't forget - you didn't get this way overnight, so it makes sense that it should take time.  I'm actually glad it won't happen fast.  Our minds need time to process it all.

Kath - you said it best.  Small goals...
~ Barbara
on 3/16/11 9:03 am - Scottsdale, AZ
I understand how you are feeling BASIMAH02.  I had surgery 1/11, and my clothes are too big now and my body has changed for the better, but I am still the biggest girl in most rooms too.  Sometimes too, I've found that the reactions (or lack of) from other people on our progress can be strange and/or hurtful right now.  Right after surgery, I had dreams about being a skinny person again and was soo excited for it.  But now that I'm back to normal life and such, the excitement has worn off a bit and I feel the same way, like will I ever really be skinny? 

I think we'll both be skinny/thin/healthy/happy, whatever you want to call it........it just takes time.  Like another poster said, we didn't get overweight overnight, so this is going to take some work and some perserverance.   As long as the scale is going in the right direction and you are doing your part, you WILL get there and I will too!! 

Just know that there are otherson this board that are or have been in the same position as you are and understand how you're feeling. 
on 3/16/11 9:33 am - NY
I'm right there with you. Actually you lost alot more than I have. I had my band in dec 2010. I have not lost anything this month no matter what I've done. I set a 5 lb goal like last month. I went up and done on the scale the entire month I feel was wasted. Keep you chin up you are doing great...



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