Considering the band???
on 3/15/11 3:46 am - WA
on 3/15/11 3:46 am - WA
She just proved you both right... glad I could draw her fire to show that's exactly what she'd do before any of you make the mistake of posting about a potential complication. You might consider created a moderated group where only members in good standing on this board can join to discuss difficulties free of judgement and harrassment.
Good luck you guys... if I do wind up getting the VSG (attending a seminar next week to learn more), you can bet your ass I won't be in here telling you all how wrong you are for making a different decision
Good luck you guys... if I do wind up getting the VSG (attending a seminar next week to learn more), you can bet your ass I won't be in here telling you all how wrong you are for making a different decision

On March 14, 2011 at 12:25 AM Pacific Time, SmurfWhisperer wrote:
So you have two people asking you to please stop your negative, discouraging posts (one of them repeatedly, thanks for trying, Bubble!) and rather than admit that you're doing the opposite of being supportive, you instead accuse us of trying to censor you?Not quite... this isn't about you, it's about the people who are coming here for support and are instead finding someone who's only too happy to stoke the fires of their fears. Yes, fear-mongering is exactly what you're doing. You're playing on the uncertainties and nervousness of people who have not yet had the surgery to convince them that they shouldn't. What, may I ask, was your intention in labeling this thread "Considering the lap band?" if not to draw in pre-op newbies to read it, look at that thread and change their minds about having made this decision? Are you seriously going to say that you wouldn't feel victorious if one of us posted thanking you for the info and saying that we've decided not to get the band as a result? Please.
As I said, there is a forum where people who want to talk about how craptastic the band is can do that... so go there and talk about it there; no one is censoring you. This forum is for people who either already have the band or have made the decision to get the band to come in, ask questions, get support and share this journey together. If any of us have troubles with our bands, we'll be sure to post about issues as they happen because we'll be looking for insight and advice from people who've gone through it... feel free to chime in all you want on threads like that, but these proactive, anti-banding threads have got to stop.
Let's get this straight.........YOU don't decide where I am allowed to post on a public forum! Got it?!
on 3/14/11 5:35 am - WA
on 3/14/11 5:35 am - WA
We're not telling you what you can and can't post... we're ASKING you to please respect the people in this forum who would prefer to keep the tone supportive and encouraging in here, not discouraging and fearful of potential complications.
Perhaps you're not familiar with proper online community ettiquette? Forums have specific purposes, when you go off-topic in a forum, you may be met with people who don't welcome it. You are going off-topic in here with every anti-band post you make... this forum is intended to be a place of support and acceptance, but your posts are all about discouragement and negativity.
You don't like feeling as though someone is telling you what you should or should not do... right? We feel the same... we're all adults here and are more than capable of researching and making decisions on our own without you telling us how wrong or misguided we are.
So please, post all you want about how horrible the band is, but do it in the appropriate forum... this is not the appropriate forum, this is the SUPPORT forum.
Perhaps you're not familiar with proper online community ettiquette? Forums have specific purposes, when you go off-topic in a forum, you may be met with people who don't welcome it. You are going off-topic in here with every anti-band post you make... this forum is intended to be a place of support and acceptance, but your posts are all about discouragement and negativity.
You don't like feeling as though someone is telling you what you should or should not do... right? We feel the same... we're all adults here and are more than capable of researching and making decisions on our own without you telling us how wrong or misguided we are.
So please, post all you want about how horrible the band is, but do it in the appropriate forum... this is not the appropriate forum, this is the SUPPORT forum.
Respect? I show respect to those on here that show me respect. It IS a 2 say street you know!
Yes this is SUPPOSE to be a support forum! Support comes in many different forms. Those that are having band issues are entitled to support as well! They are entitled to look on here and see honest posting about the band..........NOT just the happy ones. They, off all ppl, need support the most! They do NOT need to be blamed and accused of causeing band problems! And pre-ops need to know these things can happen! If they then choose the band.........I wish them the best of luck!
Let's make the band forum a place of support for EVERYONE!
If we ALL would just start ignoring certain folk when they post instead of arguing a certain point only to get more feedback and on and on we go with a thread a mile long, maybe, just maybe the fighting wouldn't go on. Don't get suckered in is all I'm saying. Don't give the poster a reason to go on, and on, and on....and on.....and on.......and on...... I'll probably get a reply to this too BUT not gonna read it.