PMS cravings
To be honest after three months of fighting cravings I just stopped fighting them. It made it worse on me fighting the darn carvings then just giving in . When I would fight I would eat twice as much of it :o)
SF pudding or jello, sorry that just dont do it for me I want the real thing lol. When I start craving them things I go buy a small candy bar, or one of them small bag of chips because I crave salt really bad.
I get them items and I eat them and I dont feel guilty at all . One candy bar or one bag of chips is NOT going to wreck my whole diet or blow my whole month's worth of weight loss.
I do keep them things in the house all through the month except when its that time of the month because I will go overboard on it :o)
It has always been my experience if I want something and deny myself of something I will cave in and then I eat tens more of it so I just eat whatever I'm craving in moderation it just makes my life simpler and my husband's to lmao.
Good Luck Its a ***** that time of the month. I'm getting ready to start also and I feel these cravings creeping along . Plus I will gain anywhere from 5-8 pounds during this time and it will stay on me from the week before I start till my last day I finish *sigh* and I got a Doc's appt coming up in two weeks happens every time :o(
SF pudding or jello, sorry that just dont do it for me I want the real thing lol. When I start craving them things I go buy a small candy bar, or one of them small bag of chips because I crave salt really bad.
I get them items and I eat them and I dont feel guilty at all . One candy bar or one bag of chips is NOT going to wreck my whole diet or blow my whole month's worth of weight loss.
I do keep them things in the house all through the month except when its that time of the month because I will go overboard on it :o)
It has always been my experience if I want something and deny myself of something I will cave in and then I eat tens more of it so I just eat whatever I'm craving in moderation it just makes my life simpler and my husband's to lmao.
Good Luck Its a ***** that time of the month. I'm getting ready to start also and I feel these cravings creeping along . Plus I will gain anywhere from 5-8 pounds during this time and it will stay on me from the week before I start till my last day I finish *sigh* and I got a Doc's appt coming up in two weeks happens every time :o(
I had that same thought from my former experience w/a weight loss program initials "WW"; they adv that it's harder to eat around a craving, causes you to eat more, I'm going to just do the best I can; fighting off migraines, bloating, and cravings, something's gotta give lol! Pray all goes well w/your appointment!

I'm finding that a small portion - 1/4 cup real ice cream or 4-6 m&m's helps me out. The band is there and helping out as I'm only eating a small portion. And if I budget it in my food, all is well. Its not something I do all the time, but I keep demitasse cups and shot glasses for that single scoop of goodness and I use a small baby spoon for eating it as well. And when we go out to eat, my husband and I share a dessert (and most meals) - i.e. i get my two bites, if I'm still needing more food.