New and nervous
I first want to say that I love this site, it has more information than I imagined, so thank you all for being here, I will certainly rely on alot of you from time to time...
I am 41, have 3 children, and have struggled with weight for 21 years. Thanks to this tool...this will be the beginning of my healthier life! :)
I have already started my process for Lap Band, I have seen the Dr's, and have my psychological eval on the 18th, and back to Dr's on the 28th, when at this appt I understand I will start my "liquid" diet. My surgeon is Dr. Del la Torre whom is know nationally as well as internationally for his involvement in Lap Band. I have researched for many months on the Lap Band, and given where it is going to be done, and who my Dr. is, I am totally content with my decision. :)
I have read many blogs on how people need to put more thought into the WLS choice. Do these people think we just wake up one morning thinking ...ok I think I will get the Lap Band?? The planning on our part not to mention "everything" we have to go through to get prepared for this life changing event allows us time to think through our options. I, as well as most have researched the "other" options, and find that Lap Band is best for ME! With that said.....
I am soooooo excited, and nervous at the same time. I have mentally prepared myself that this is "only" a "tool". I know it is not an easy way out, and I will work my butt off to achieve my goals. It is so comforting having this forum...if anyone wants to give advice for pre-surgery, I would appreciate it! :)
Good Luck and message me if you need a buddy! I have 3 kids. In fact today my oldest turned 14!
Im not banded yet, Im just at the begining of my process with seeing the bariatric doc and the line of docs to follow. I too have done my research (starting in 2006-recent) and decided that the band is the best option for me. I dont have a problem with eating things that are too horrible for me, just with portion sizes. I do not feel I need malabsoption (RNY) and Im scared of having a portion of my stomach removed (sleeve) they are good surgeries just not for me. I wish you lots of luck with your band and I look forward to reading about all of your success along the way

I am making sure not to push my limits and I am following all the instructions that I am given. I also realize that this is just a tool and I am finding this forum to be great. I wish you luck and look forward to following your success!