So..I made a fool of myself again...
So I went to the surgeon this morning for my first fill..I thought with all the info I have been scope'n out on here I was totally prepared..So I go into the exam room after my first weigh in after surgery..-20lbs YAY!... So I'm sitting on the table and he gets out the needle and fills it with saline....Everything goes fine until he injects me with the fluid and I feel it go in...I'm not sure what happened from there, but I got completely light headed and sweaty..I felt like I could hit the floor at any second...So there I was needle in my belly..pouring sweat and my surgeon fanning me..I was soo embarassed..Im not sure if I was nervous..or the needle and blood...not sure because I am usually not the fainting type...but I thought..OMG!.... Has anyone else experienced this?..or am I the lone fainter?...

I had the procedure while sitting up...He inserted the needle laying down, but had me sit up to drink and the inject the fluid... I too am usually ok with needles..I have two tattoos and have had multiple piercings...I am also a diabetic, so I frequently check blood sugar and all that..but Im just not sure what happened...I am glad I had the fill though, because I can definitely tell the difference!...Maybe next time I will just have him go a little slower...