Poll-Who still has their original band and port??
VSG on 03/25/16
Yes to both at 2years 2 months

Lapband - Jan 2009 weight goal reached with lapband. Revised to VSG- 1/25/16
A DISCLAIMER as a preface
FOR THE NYAH-NYAH TOLD-YOU-SO NAYSAYERS, nice and big so you can't miss it:
NEITHER of the surgeries regarding my band HAD TO be done. There was no medical necessity, no medical issues caused by the band and no malfunctions with the band or port.
I had my band installed in December of 2003. In September of 2005, my surgeon commented that my port seemed to be sticking out quite a bit on my abdomen and I didn't particularly care for its position He suggested replacing it with the "low profile" version and moving it up, and I agreed.
In the summer of 2006, I started having issues with vomiting. I chose to ignore the problem, for fear that it was a problem that would require to lose my band. When I finally caved and agreed to an upper GI, they found a huge hiatal hernia that was caused by me losing weight very rapidly. Let me define "very rapidly" for you: 100 pounds in SIX MONTHS, 150 pounds in ONE YEAR and 200 pounds in 18 MONTHS. THAT is what caused the HH. The HH caused the vomiting (Google "hiatal hernia" if you want to know what they are). Me ignoring the vomiting and allowing it to continue as long as I did caused a band slip. It was possible to resolve the slip with a simple unfill, but since the HH HAD TO be repaired surgically, my surgeon asked if I wanted to replace my old 2003 band with the newer, larger and better tolerated version. I was, basically, offered an upgrade, and I took it.
I will say it again, for those who missed it, or for the reading-challenged:
NEITHER of the surgeries regarding my band HAD TO be done. There was no medical necessity, no medical issues caused by the band and no malfunctions with the band itself.
If the low-profile port did not exist and if I hadn't been offered the newer band at no cost, I certainly could have kept the originals. Bandy Boy and I were getting along fine.
Think of it this way: I dearly love my 2003 PT Cruiser. But it's getting on in years and has 195+ thousand miles on it. There have been a lot of improvements in automobile technology in the last 8 years. If someone came up to me today and offered me a brand new one for free, I'd grab it in a heartbeat. You'd be stupid not to.

NEITHER of the surgeries regarding my band HAD TO be done. There was no medical necessity, no medical issues caused by the band and no malfunctions with the band or port.
I had my band installed in December of 2003. In September of 2005, my surgeon commented that my port seemed to be sticking out quite a bit on my abdomen and I didn't particularly care for its position He suggested replacing it with the "low profile" version and moving it up, and I agreed.
In the summer of 2006, I started having issues with vomiting. I chose to ignore the problem, for fear that it was a problem that would require to lose my band. When I finally caved and agreed to an upper GI, they found a huge hiatal hernia that was caused by me losing weight very rapidly. Let me define "very rapidly" for you: 100 pounds in SIX MONTHS, 150 pounds in ONE YEAR and 200 pounds in 18 MONTHS. THAT is what caused the HH. The HH caused the vomiting (Google "hiatal hernia" if you want to know what they are). Me ignoring the vomiting and allowing it to continue as long as I did caused a band slip. It was possible to resolve the slip with a simple unfill, but since the HH HAD TO be repaired surgically, my surgeon asked if I wanted to replace my old 2003 band with the newer, larger and better tolerated version. I was, basically, offered an upgrade, and I took it.
I will say it again, for those who missed it, or for the reading-challenged:
NEITHER of the surgeries regarding my band HAD TO be done. There was no medical necessity, no medical issues caused by the band and no malfunctions with the band itself.
If the low-profile port did not exist and if I hadn't been offered the newer band at no cost, I certainly could have kept the originals. Bandy Boy and I were getting along fine.
Think of it this way: I dearly love my 2003 PT Cruiser. But it's getting on in years and has 195+ thousand miles on it. There have been a lot of improvements in automobile technology in the last 8 years. If someone came up to me today and offered me a brand new one for free, I'd grab it in a heartbeat. You'd be stupid not to.
On March 10, 2011 at 2:28 PM Pacific Time, zee starrlite wrote:
To get a broad sense of things, you'd have to post on all the forums.Band installed 3/30/2005
Revised port & hosing 8/10/2005
Band removed 12/30/2010

True, where all those with no more band and no more port are posting.
Previously Midwesterngirl
The band got me to goal, the sleeve will keep me there.
See my blog for newbies: http://wasabubblebutt.blogspot.com/
The band got me to goal, the sleeve will keep me there.
See my blog for newbies: http://wasabubblebutt.blogspot.com/
On March 10, 2011 at 2:28 PM Pacific Time, zee starrlite wrote:
To get a broad sense of things, you'd have to post on all the forums.Band installed 3/30/2005
Revised port & hosing 8/10/2005
Band removed 12/30/2010

Btw..........I didn't realize you had had your port and hosing done previously. So you have actually had 3 band surgeries! Wow!