how long is too long to be too tight?
Last year I got a fill that was too tight and day after day I was getting worse and worse. After a week I called my surgeon's office and after telling them my symptoms they got me in the next day for an unfill. They had to squeeze me in so I was in the waiting room for awhile...but who cares I got in for my unfill. I cannot believe your doctor is not taking this seriously and not fitting you in!!! This goes against what all surgeons say, which is never keep your band too tight for any length of time. I mean what does he too end up in the ER??? I am sorry that you cannot get immediate relief. In the mean time stick with liquids and mushies...unfortunately your doctor has left you with no other options. Since you are too tight what you need to be very careful of getting stuck or throwing up and slipping your band. I would act as if your are post-op and take it very easy. I think as long as you are careful you should be OK to wait. But I still say your doctor is playing a dangerous game here.
Sorry about everything
Sorry about everything
When you call your Dr do you tell them you need an un-fill? Mine will get me in the same day, if it's after hours they still will do it. I think 24 hours is the limit for me. Depends on why I am too tight. If it's stress I wait and see if it'll get better. 2 weeks is too long IMHO. Sometimes just a little out, helps a lot. Call them back and tell them you need to come in ASAP. Until then take it easy, eat soft foods. It's your band in your body, they need to take care of YOU!

on 3/5/11 7:51 am
on 3/5/11 7:51 am
I don't know what you mean by 'too tight' --- are you able to eat anything?
The one time I was truly too tight, I could not swallow my own saliva ---- and I lasted about 5 hours before I called my doctor and he saw me in his office at 6:30pm on New Year's Day -- it was an emergency.
If I were you, I would call and ask to be squeezed in on Monday --- tell them you will come and sit in the office and wait until they have a spare 3 minutes --- my doc can do an unfill in about that amount of time.
Good luck!
The one time I was truly too tight, I could not swallow my own saliva ---- and I lasted about 5 hours before I called my doctor and he saw me in his office at 6:30pm on New Year's Day -- it was an emergency.
If I were you, I would call and ask to be squeezed in on Monday --- tell them you will come and sit in the office and wait until they have a spare 3 minutes --- my doc can do an unfill in about that amount of time.
Good luck!
If too tight just means that you need to take a bit of extra care when eating, then waiting until the end of March is not desirable but probably won't do any damage.
But if you are finding that you have to stick to soft foods, if drinking is difficult, if you get bad heartburn or reflux, then your doc should treat this as urgent and waiting is not acceptable.
Highest 290, Banded - 248 Lowest 139 (too thin!). Comfort zone 155-165.
Happily banded since May 2006. Regain of 28lbs 2013-14. ALL GONE!
But some has returned! Up to 175, argh! Off we go again,
This just happened to me on thursday had a fill and by saturday ended up in emergency room. I couldn't keep down water and I was vomiting bile! Your doctor needs to take it serious and if the physician doesn't I would call the nutritionist and see if they could put a word in for you or the surgeon nurse. I switched surgeons when my needs were not met. Don't sit back and let your health go!!
Good luck! I feel for you!
Go to your doctor's office when it first opens up and sit there until you have an unfill. It takes just an few minutes and chances are the nurse or the MA could do it. I have had about five fills and three unfills and they were all done by a staff member other then the doctor. Even the time I saw the doctor about my fill he did not do it, the nurse did. Good luck and be aggressive about your health, you desire it.
(deactivated member)
on 3/6/11 5:48 pm - ~Somewhere in~, PA
on 3/6/11 5:48 pm - ~Somewhere in~, PA
It's hard to say if damage is being done, everyone body tissue is different as to how they respond to a very tight band and how well your surgeon stitched your band in place. But if you are very uncomfortable they SHOULD see you quicker than March 30th, you need to tell them that you are vomiting too and if you say that. they will have to find a slot to fit you in. Good luck