Is Aretha Franklin for real?????
You are correct if it is pancreatic cancer, it is so agressive there is little chance of survival. I know because my father-in-law became ill on July 21, 2003 and was released from the hospital after they diagnosed him with pancreatic cancer on August 1, 2003. The doctor told us to make him comfortable and he had 6 months at best. He passed on December 16,2006. From my personal experience I don't feel it is pancreatic cancer. As far as her job to inspire fat folks-no it is not. Just observing and feel that through my own experience I have learned quite a lot on this journey. Just thought she could grab a demographic that may not have benefitted from WLS ----African Americans, older people etc....... I was not looking for a fight. I have been on the other forums and on the other forums you can post a provocative post and not get beaten up for it.
I just don't understand why celebrities are held to higher standards than everyone else. Every single day there is a post on these very boards about whether or not to tell about surgery yet because someone is famous they are somehow different? WLS is a personal decision between a doctor and patient. There isn't a reason in the world why someone should have to tell merely because they are famous.
All that really matters is that she's losing well and hopefully, getting healthier. Nothing else matters.
The band got me to goal, the sleeve will keep me there.
See my blog for newbies:

What is the value in posting for the world to see if you don't want responses? That's kind of childish to be honest.
You have to tell me what a surgery war is. Is it when people drag out those stats, facts, and peer reviewed journal articles? Most people want to research that before having elective major surgery.
Do you think that previous banded folks come here to help educate because we get toaster ovens for each newbie we convert? This isn't a bunch of JWs knocking at your door. These are fellow fatties that want you to have safe surgery and goal.
There are many myths about all surgery types and one regarding the band is that since it is least invasive that means it is safer long term. Total crap, it has as many risks and complications as bypass, just different complications.
What about people who say they will try the band and if it doesn't work they'll just revise to another surgery type? Yeah, any other surgery type requires a staple line. Revising from band to staple line means 3x the risk for bleeding, perforations, and leaks.
The band is the safest surgery type. bleh... see above.
People want the band for slow weight loss so they'll have less excess skin. Total crap, rate of weight loss has absolutely nothing to do with damaged and scarred skin. It's damaged before weight loss, losing weight slowly isn't going to fix scarred skin.
There are a million of these. Some of us merely care enough to make sure people choose whatever WLS type they want WHILE being informed. Some don't want to research, they just want a quick fix. Banding isn't a quick fix by any stretch.
The band got me to goal, the sleeve will keep me there.
See my blog for newbies:
What none of you touched on was the fact that I was affected because she is my FAVORITE singer in the world, hits, no hits, large, small, good times and bad. I just love her. When I thought it was pancreatic cancer I was upset, it affected me because I know there is no cure for pancreatic cancer. When I heard it I just began to weep. First of all pancreatic cancer touched my family personally and it was devastating. When I saw the interview she glossed over the cancer, major illness and focused on weight loss. HUHN? I am a pretty good judge of character and something was awry. I was disappointed because I am truly a fan of hers. It is my opinion and you know we all have them. I said I was finished with this and I am because it really is not that important. You know I guess the bigger issue is as you say those of us who are too ashamed to tell anyone that we had WLS. Most other ailments we will divulge but not WLS. I guess we are used to keeping secrets as we hide our candy in our lingerie drawer. We weren't fooling anybody when we swore we did not know how we got fat and we won't fool anyone when we suddenly get control and resolve from out of nowhere.
BTW I did not know what a surgery war was until I came to this forum. In my opinion the surgery wars need to stop because when people post sometimes the responders don't respond to the post they just begin to fight with each other. I thought this forum was for sharing and supporting. There are many missed opportunities to help when the responders fight with each other. Again many thanks.
What none of you touched on was the fact that I was affected because she is my FAVORITE singer in the world, hits, no hits, large, small, good times and bad. I just love her. When I thought it was pancreatic cancer I was upset, it affected me because I know there is no cure for pancreatic cancer. When I heard it I just began to weep. First of all pancreatic cancer touched my family personally and it was devastating. When I saw the interview she glossed over the cancer, major illness and focused on weight loss. HUHN? I am a pretty good judge of character and something was awry. I was disappointed because I am truly a fan of hers. It is my opinion and you know we all have them. I said I was finished with this and I am because it really is not that important. You know I guess the bigger issue is as you say those of us who are too ashamed to tell anyone that we had WLS. Most other ailments we will divulge but not WLS. I guess we are used to keeping secrets as we hide our candy in our lingerie drawer. We weren't fooling anybody when we swore we did not know how we got fat and we won't fool anyone when we suddenly get control and resolve from out of nowhere.
BTW I did not know what a surgery war was until I came to this forum. In my opinion the surgery wars need to stop because when people post sometimes the responders don't respond to the post they just begin to fight with each other. I thought this forum was for sharing and supporting. There are many missed opportunities to help when the responders fight with each other. Again many thanks.
No, I did not call you childish, read it again. I wrote that your post was childish and it is. More specifically - this comment:
~~ Please don't bother to respond trust me it is not necessary.~~
Maybe you did explain that she doesn't have to share, but you also wrote this:
~~ I am disappointed, I would have had more respect if she had came clean.~~
She needs to tell you of her personal medical issues to have your respect? Does she also need to tell you of her pap smears? Her bronchitis? Her personal problems?
Celebs are human beings with a right to their privacy just like you.
What is a surgery war? Seriously, explain this to me. Should we hide the band stats? Shall we do as someone else suggested and anyone with a band problem should be banished to the main board? Afterall, we sure don't want the newbies knowing truth now, do we?
Grow up, this is the real world. Stats, facts, studies, and peer reviewed journal articles are NOT band bashing and surgery wars. It's not our fault the band stats are poor, we aren't creating the studies, we are just reporting them. Support does not mean shoving rainbows up your butt. It means truth and honesty.
Let me tell you something and you are free to ask Bette about a real surgery war. A surgery war is when the DSers used to come to this very board and tell people they have a crap band, a choke chain, a laff band. They would tell people that were days post op they would fail and laugh at them. They called Bette every vulgar name in the book. THAT, my dear, is a surgery war. Putting info out there for people to make an INFORMED decision is not a surgery war.
Get it straight.
The band got me to goal, the sleeve will keep me there.
See my blog for newbies:
Wow did I use the wrong term---sorry. What you and I are doing right now, this fruitless back and forth is an example of combat. When I stated:
A response was not necessary I was trying to stop the negative spiral this post had taken---that is all.... I take full responsibility for the post, I guess I was emotionally attached because I had spent emotion on the false announcement. The announcement that should never have been announced because if it was a hang nail it was her business. Al Roker divulged his surgery and encouraged a young boy to get the surgery and he died. The mother holds Al responsible and Star Jones also states that is why she was not forthcoming about her surgery.
I am new myself, I said I have been on the Lap-Band forum a month. My first post was simply for information and I got responses that were not full of stats etc. they were just hateful. Anyone can appreciate genuine facts. Everyone's situation is different and when we weigh our pros and cons no two person's will be the same. Sometimes there are extenuating cir****tances that help us form our choices. I know you speak to many people on here look back at the messages you and I have shared. My surgeon charges $18,000 for the Sleeve and I asked you for information about your surgeon. Take care and good night.
Ok...this is a FORUM. What Tia and you is not combative, she is simply debating the subject you posted. If you don't like to debate, then a forum isn't a place you will be comfortable.
[fawr-uh, fohr-uh]