band free, never felt better
This is the last reply I will have to this thread, and then I am done. I do know my options, I have read about them and studied about them for awhile now. When I first returned to the board I read about a few people who had revisions from lap band to sleeve and had alot of success. I decided I would give it a good look and if it seemed like a better option I would talk to my doctor. I read the sleeve boards and many posts about it, I also checked many websites about it and have been comparing the 2 for awhile now. I made sure that the websites I was looking at were not all "Gung-Ho LapBand" or "Sleeve is the only option" because I wanted an unbiased opinion and I wanted to read about the complications and what it would take to fix those problems. For some time I actually considered sleeve surgery to be a better option, but that has since changed. Stats dont mean anything to me, anybody can be on the good or bad side of the statistic. The fixes for some of the other WLS meant another kind of WLS, something I am not willing to have. If the band slips, it can be fixed or removed if thats what it takes. It the port goes bad it can be replaced too. They can add or remove saline if necessary, to me it is a more tailored option, made to fit the person having it. I have read that alot of times that some peoples bodies will reject it, Im willing to give it a shot because if it rejects it they remove it and I am done. They can repair any issues that are brought on by lapband but they cannot go in and put back a part of your stomach that was removed, they have to do a different type of WLS to fix that. I am willing to have one of the many fixes suggested for LapBand surgery issues, what I am not willing to do is have a completely different type of surgery to fix it.
Am I saying everyone should feel this way, no. Am I saying that this is the absolute best decision for everybody, no but for me I believe it is. I am not here to preach to anyone about what is right or wrong for them, but this is right for me. I have not been researching this as much as you have, so what? I have witnessed the problems that other WLS can bring on, no statistic sets you up for that. If my mom were alive today she would tell me to weigh my options and make the best decision for me. After seeing what she went thru, I will never chose a WLS that cannot be completely reversed. You have your opinion, I have mine. Right or wrong only time will tell, but I happy with my decision and I wish you luck with yours. With that said, kindly back off and find someone else to harass
Am I saying everyone should feel this way, no. Am I saying that this is the absolute best decision for everybody, no but for me I believe it is. I am not here to preach to anyone about what is right or wrong for them, but this is right for me. I have not been researching this as much as you have, so what? I have witnessed the problems that other WLS can bring on, no statistic sets you up for that. If my mom were alive today she would tell me to weigh my options and make the best decision for me. After seeing what she went thru, I will never chose a WLS that cannot be completely reversed. You have your opinion, I have mine. Right or wrong only time will tell, but I happy with my decision and I wish you luck with yours. With that said, kindly back off and find someone else to harass

On March 8, 2011 at 11:16 AM Pacific Time, confusedturtle wrote:
This is the last reply I will have to this thread, and then I am done. I do know my options, I have read about them and studied about them for awhile now. When I first returned to the board I read about a few people who had revisions from lap band to sleeve and had alot of success. I decided I would give it a good look and if it seemed like a better option I would talk to my doctor. I read the sleeve boards and many posts about it, I also checked many websites about it and have been comparing the 2 for awhile now. I made sure that the websites I was looking at were not all "Gung-Ho LapBand" or "Sleeve is the only option" because I wanted an unbiased opinion and I wanted to read about the complications and what it would take to fix those problems. For some time I actually considered sleeve surgery to be a better option, but that has since changed. Stats dont mean anything to me, anybody can be on the good or bad side of the statistic. The fixes for some of the other WLS meant another kind of WLS, something I am not willing to have. If the band slips, it can be fixed or removed if thats what it takes. It the port goes bad it can be replaced too. They can add or remove saline if necessary, to me it is a more tailored option, made to fit the person having it. I have read that alot of times that some peoples bodies will reject it, Im willing to give it a shot because if it rejects it they remove it and I am done. They can repair any issues that are brought on by lapband but they cannot go in and put back a part of your stomach that was removed, they have to do a different type of WLS to fix that. I am willing to have one of the many fixes suggested for LapBand surgery issues, what I am not willing to do is have a completely different type of surgery to fix it. Am I saying everyone should feel this way, no. Am I saying that this is the absolute best decision for everybody, no but for me I believe it is. I am not here to preach to anyone about what is right or wrong for them, but this is right for me. I have not been researching this as much as you have, so what? I have witnessed the problems that other WLS can bring on, no statistic sets you up for that. If my mom were alive today she would tell me to weigh my options and make the best decision for me. After seeing what she went thru, I will never chose a WLS that cannot be completely reversed. You have your opinion, I have mine. Right or wrong only time will tell, but I happy with my decision and I wish you luck with yours. With that said, kindly back off and find someone else to harass

~~I have not been researching this as much as you have, so what?~~
You are the one that believes stomach stapling is similar to sleeves. If you had actually done the research you claim you have, you would know how ludicrous that sentence was.
I think everyone should get the WLS of their choice regardless of that choice. I just hope they do a bit of research beforehand instead of making a huge decision based on as much wrong information as you have.
My personal opinion, I don't think you are ready for surgery. Not any surgery. Your base knowledge of obesity, behaviors, and surgery types is probably the most lacking of anyone I have seen in a long time. Am I saying that because you have opted for a band? Absolutely not! I base that on every post you have written in this thread.
~~They can repair any issues that are brought on by lapband~~
Again, you are wrong. The damage I have from the band cannot be repaired, Nicci's can't be repaired... i can give you a list of examples but you don't want reality, you want your happy land you created.
There is another person posting in this thread that had a similar (but not nearly as lacking) base of knowledge to your own but the difference is that she's worked hard to learn information and make this work.
You haven't.
I wish you much luck, I believe you will need it.
Previously Midwesterngirl
The band got me to goal, the sleeve will keep me there.
See my blog for newbies:
The band got me to goal, the sleeve will keep me there.
See my blog for newbies:
Hi Anastasia,
I'm happy for you. I know the feeling! Choosing the lapband was the worst decision I ever made (and I've made some doozies!) The chronic pain was ridiculous and after I had it removed, I realized just how bad it really was.
WIsh you the best. I hope all goes well for you.
I'm happy for you. I know the feeling! Choosing the lapband was the worst decision I ever made (and I've made some doozies!) The chronic pain was ridiculous and after I had it removed, I realized just how bad it really was.
WIsh you the best. I hope all goes well for you.
Avoid kemmerling, Green Bay, WI
You know my heart goes out to u! You have had to deal with so much from your band. Even after having it removed! We kind of by into that "least invasive" crap.............and don't realize that the band can have permanent long term damage...........AND PAIN! :-(
As much as I complain about all the money I wasted on my band at least I haven't had complications like you. For that I am greatful!
And I definatily appriciate that you continue to come to the band forum to tell your story so pre-ops can can hear about the band from all angles!!!
Thanks, Maria. Permanent long term damage... lemme tell ya... I had a colonoscopy and endoscopy last week. I came awake during the colonoscopy because I have so many adhesions that the scope couldn't move through smoothly. It took a whole team to calm me down, apparently. (Thank God for the "twilight" drugs. I'm embarrassed, but at least I can't remember ALL of it!)
I also have a hiatal hernia now, most likely from the band damaging my diaphragm. The top portion of my stomach is wedged against my esophagus and protrudes through into my chest cavity currently. I'm experiencing left shoulder pain, reflux, pain in my chest and back... and most likely have to have corrective surgery AGAIN... which, of course, means MORE adhesions. At this point, I wish I had never even HEARD of the lapband.
I'm worn down and fully exhausted right now.
Thank you for your concern. I appreciate it.
I also have a hiatal hernia now, most likely from the band damaging my diaphragm. The top portion of my stomach is wedged against my esophagus and protrudes through into my chest cavity currently. I'm experiencing left shoulder pain, reflux, pain in my chest and back... and most likely have to have corrective surgery AGAIN... which, of course, means MORE adhesions. At this point, I wish I had never even HEARD of the lapband.
I'm worn down and fully exhausted right now.
Thank you for your concern. I appreciate it.
Avoid kemmerling, Green Bay, WI
It's so sad that most Drs. do NOT tell patients BEFORE surgery that these things can happen! I don't know how many times I don't know how many times I have seen on the band forum ppl saying "the band is removable" they think just b/c it can be taken out..........that their anatomy will be just like it was before! NOT the case! :-(
Were the "erosions" you were diagnosed with "band erosion", as in the band migrating into the stomach tissue, or perhaps ulcers? The reason I ask is because I had an endoscopy a month or so ago, and was told I have a "small erosion". I just about freaked out until the nurse explained that the medical term for ulcer is "erosion". My band is fine.
I'm sorry for all you've been through, and glad that you're feeling better. Have faith in your ability to keep your weight off. I've actually lost a few pounds since being totally unfilled, and if I can keep this up, I may opt to remain unfilled. It's hard to retain the good habits we learned with the band, but it *can* be done. I've always heard that "if you want to weight 150 lbs., then eat like someone who's 150 lbs." That's a lot easier when you're a lot closer to 150 lbs. than we were before being banded!
Best wishes,
I'm sorry for all you've been through, and glad that you're feeling better. Have faith in your ability to keep your weight off. I've actually lost a few pounds since being totally unfilled, and if I can keep this up, I may opt to remain unfilled. It's hard to retain the good habits we learned with the band, but it *can* be done. I've always heard that "if you want to weight 150 lbs., then eat like someone who's 150 lbs." That's a lot easier when you're a lot closer to 150 lbs. than we were before being banded!
Best wishes,
"All things are possible when you find and believe in your own personal strength."
Formerly "TamiFromAL"; 4cc band, unfilled
"All things are possible when you find and believe in your own personal strength."
Formerly "TamiFromAL"; 4cc band, unfilled