When will I start to "feel" it?
I cruised after having my band. Make sure you follow the "band rules" there. I did OK but I did something I would not do again, I had an unfill (my first) due to feeling that the plane ride would be a problem for my band and It wasn't. Then I found out that if I was flying for 7,8 or more hours it may have been a problem. I gained two pounds which I was OK with being that I had been on vacation in the past and gained way more than that. I made a point to exercise, use the smallest plate possible and not stack food on the plate just because I thought they would run out of something I felt I "had to have", not go more than 3 1/2 to 4 hours between meals and drank as much water and unsweetened ice tea I could. Your band does not know it is vacation so treat it gingerly so you don't have a stuck episode. I also made a point of not laying done in the sun for at least an hour after eating a meal because I didn't not like the way I felt. At times I felt sluggish and I don't know what that was about but I stopped laying in the sun after eating and it stopped.
Have fun,dance, sightsee and take the focus off of food. Remember: HAVE BAND WILL TRAVEL!
Have fun,dance, sightsee and take the focus off of food. Remember: HAVE BAND WILL TRAVEL!

I don't know that I would go on a trip away from home immediately following a fill...maybe you should wait until you return for your next fill??? I haven't had any problems flying, but heat, humidity and staying hydrated are a challenge for me on vacation...might be best to play it safe. You don't really have a deadline for your weight loss, why not know what you are dealing with on vacation and then get your fill?
I'm not aware of any problems flying with the band. Just make sure that if you're flying you stay hydrated. I would just be concerned about traveling so soon after a fill, at least not going where you are away from medical attention. Cruise ships have great medical centers, but they are not really farmiliar with WLS.
I cruise a lot and have always lost on cruises, even before WLS. I've been on four since the cruise and haven't had any problems. I make sure that I let the maitre d' know what I need. He will make sure you get what you need in the dining room and even in the buffet. I make sure to drink plenty of water. I do splurge and use bottled water on the ships. Ships desalinate their own water and it's perfectly good, but there is a lot of sodium left in the water. I usually pick up two cases on the way to the ship and slap some luggage tags on them. I also use the stairs and not the elevators. I also take the long way to everything - for example if I'm on the deck sitting at six o'clock and want to go to get some water at seven, I don't walk clockwise from six to seven I go counter clockwise all the way around the deck.
It can take awhile to get going after surgery. Just make sure you are getting the protein in and keeping the carbs low. At meals eat the protein first and then the veggies. Make sure to stay hydrated and get plenty of sleep.
Where are you going on your cruise? I'm leaving on the 13th with my daughter on the Norwegian Jewel to the Bahamas. It's my first time on NCL, so it will be fun to try a new line.
I cruise a lot and have always lost on cruises, even before WLS. I've been on four since the cruise and haven't had any problems. I make sure that I let the maitre d' know what I need. He will make sure you get what you need in the dining room and even in the buffet. I make sure to drink plenty of water. I do splurge and use bottled water on the ships. Ships desalinate their own water and it's perfectly good, but there is a lot of sodium left in the water. I usually pick up two cases on the way to the ship and slap some luggage tags on them. I also use the stairs and not the elevators. I also take the long way to everything - for example if I'm on the deck sitting at six o'clock and want to go to get some water at seven, I don't walk clockwise from six to seven I go counter clockwise all the way around the deck.
It can take awhile to get going after surgery. Just make sure you are getting the protein in and keeping the carbs low. At meals eat the protein first and then the veggies. Make sure to stay hydrated and get plenty of sleep.
Where are you going on your cruise? I'm leaving on the 13th with my daughter on the Norwegian Jewel to the Bahamas. It's my first time on NCL, so it will be fun to try a new line.
Thanks for all of your advice! i was worried about the fill so close to leaving, but I spoke to my doctor yesterday and she said if I have my fill on Wednesday, I should *know* whether or not I will have a problem by Friday morning and can come back. Like if its way too full I will know by Friday morning. I hope she's right.
I will be on Carnival Destiny. I have been on 1 Carnival cruise and 1 Royal Caribbean before, and definitely preferred RC, but this was a last minute trip for "spring break" (I put that in quotes because its spring break from law school for me and med school for my boyfriend) and just a quick getaway. It is much needed!
I will be on Carnival Destiny. I have been on 1 Carnival cruise and 1 Royal Caribbean before, and definitely preferred RC, but this was a last minute trip for "spring break" (I put that in quotes because its spring break from law school for me and med school for my boyfriend) and just a quick getaway. It is much needed!
The band contains saline which is not affected by air pressure. however there may be minute bubbles of air which could be! (Info givne by Allergan). Most people have no effect at all from the pressure but flying is stressful (all those deadlines, excitement etc, stress need not be "nasty") And many of us find our bands feel tighter when we are stressed. Dehydration has the same effect. So just take a bit of extra care.
Highest 290, Banded - 248 Lowest 139 (too thin!). Comfort zone 155-165.
Happily banded since May 2006. Regain of 28lbs 2013-14. ALL GONE!
But some has returned! Up to 175, argh! Off we go again,