Your B*TCHFest is now in session!

For you NEW KIDS, HERE ARE THE RULES: THE RULES: "B*TCHFest" is provided as a public service to those of us who have gripes and grievances but who (whom?), for whatever reason, lack a regular forum in which to air them. You are welcome to voice any problems - large or small, important, mundane or ridiculous - that currently have your panties wadded, your shorts frosted and your gears ground. Don't hold them in and risk future medical issues, wrinkles and/or those pesky gray hairs.
ANY and ALL issues that are plaguing you are open for you to voice; there are no "sacred cows." They say that "feelings aren't facts", so if you're feeling it, it's legit to you. NO ONE is allowed to flame a poster for something he or she writes, however commiseration is not only welcomed but encouraged. Please, no personal attacks against other OH members (at least, not by name) and ABSOLUTELY NO SURGERY WARS!
I'll start you off with a few gripes of mine, and you all can join in at any time! No limits - come back as many times as you like!
WARNING! Adult content ahead! Posts may (and probably will) contain "adult" content and language. I know that MINE will. Rated TV-MA.

Okay, here we go! Seatbelts fastened, everyone?
- "Broken Record Complaint": who do I have to fellate to get a goddamned job? It's been 2 years, 4 months!
- I'm pissed off that my husband, unemployed a mere 6 months, has started a new job.
- I'm pissed off that I feel pissed about that, rather than happy for him. Well, I DO feel happy for him, but I'm still pissed.
- Twenty windy, freezing degrees again today. Mother Nature, can we keep the cold (if you insist) and just give you back the wind?
- I love that the snow is finally melting, but ye gods, the piles of black slop by the side of the road are just yucky beyond belief!
- I want to do more exercise, but between my knees killing me and my wrist tendinitis, it's had. But at least I'm doing what I can.
- I'm hardly ever PHYSICALLY hungry anymore, but somehow I ALWAYS find a way and reason to put something in my mouth.
Aw, that's enough for now. I've worked myself into a lather. YOUR TURN!
1. Hating my band.
2. Hating the zits I get, I have one right on my nose now, almost period time.
3. See #1
4. My cat's sick, has enlarged lympoa nodes, and always throwing up, sick of cleaning up after him, but I love my kitty.
5. I hate people right now ... especially anti-social
6. I hate the name of my new nephew which will be born tomorrow via c section. Orion Miguel WTF?
7. My close friend passed away from cancer 2/17. She just found out end of January and it had already advanced to stage 4. Pissed at this friend that was too controlling of us friends, wouldn't let us see the sick friend.
8. Why are we helping other countries when they have disaters, why are we spending trillions on war, etc etc.
9. Hate the gas prices now at 3.65 per gallon
I am very angry that ONE stinking person, who is as lazy as hell, is making everyone else miserable where I work. She doesn't do crap, and was looking bad, so instead of stepping up her game, she started trying to bring everyone else down. False accusations, finger pointing, name it.
Also, I am VERY ANGRY at my metabolism. I struggle to lose weight all month, work my butt off in the gym and on my power walks at lunch. Aunt Flo comes to town and puts back on every pounds I struggled to lose. When she is gone, it's a struggle to lose them's not jus****er weight. Or, if it is, it doesn't come off as easily as water weight!!

In the next 90 days my entire life is going to flip upside down. no matter how much I prepare, it's going to be a roller coaster. Hubby graduates in 73 days from Univ. of Idaho....we move no matter what in 86 back to our home town of Portland. It might be sooner if we get this apartment in our old complex. But in the interim we are trying to buy a house in Portland.
We are taking a road trip to look at a few houses in two weeks and things are getting a little tight with the move and all. Oh.. and hubby wants to throw a graduation party. He deserves it right!!! Does he know that we are financially strapped right now? He already ordered the keg so I guess it's happening no matter what. All these family members are coming and our apartment is half packed up. Boxes stacked to the ceiling in the spare room.
I work from home (idaho) for a hospital in Portland and when I get back, I'm going to be shifting to a new position and all my coworkers are still in the dark. Boss doesn't want me to tell them yet. I feel like I'm being set up for something that is not going to go down well.
Oh and it won't quit snowing here either. 2 feet and counting. More in the forecast.
so lets see.
Yep.. I'm a hot mess.
Current MD- Dr. Mikami, Honolulu Hawaii
Lapband 14cc AP Lg in 2008- slipped and removed 2016 -VSG July 21, 2016-dx Gerd
** RNY Revision 05/21/2019 **
"A few drops of hope can water and nourish our garden" - Jean M
I should tell people when they get a Keg cup that it's suggested donation... LOL! I'll have to work on a monster piggy bank to hold all our quarters.
And don't think that the location has slipped my mind. I've got a lunch date all set up that you just haven't been invited to yet. I owe you a hug from 2 Secret Santa's ago.
Current MD- Dr. Mikami, Honolulu Hawaii
Lapband 14cc AP Lg in 2008- slipped and removed 2016 -VSG July 21, 2016-dx Gerd
** RNY Revision 05/21/2019 **
"A few drops of hope can water and nourish our garden" - Jean M
Its so simple and yet it took someone breaking it down for me too.
When you take a sip, right before you swallow, breath out all the air through your NOSE. Then you won't be swallowing air. Its sounds ridiculous and it takes some getting used to, but it works.
Congrats on your band!!!
Current MD- Dr. Mikami, Honolulu Hawaii
Lapband 14cc AP Lg in 2008- slipped and removed 2016 -VSG July 21, 2016-dx Gerd
** RNY Revision 05/21/2019 **
"A few drops of hope can water and nourish our garden" - Jean M