I am so scared!
I am scheduled to have the surgery on Tuesday and I am really freaking out! I am doubting if I need the surgery and am worried my life will be ruined because of it. I love going out to dinner and eating fast food and I am worried that I can't fight the urges! I also am scared about having complications. I am only 20 years old so I have my whole life ahead of me and I need to do this but I am so scared.
Cheer me up please!
Cheer me up please!
Your feelings are normal. Most people are second guessing their decision as the surgery date gets closer. I was so scared I wouldn't see my kids again and playing out all the bad things that could happen right up until the time they wheeled me into surgery. Think about the reasons you took this journey and concentrate on the reward. As far as the urges, I know I was the type of person who always resorted to the drive thru whenever possible. I still eat out with my family, but I make better choices and eat less. I can't eat hamburgers and french fries(and a lot of other things) anymore although I have tried. Every day is a learning experience for me. Your band will help you and you will learn as you go. Good luck!! You can do it!!!
I also had my surgery on Wednesday, and I feel pretty good at this point. I was worried about complications as well, but had none. I won't lie and say you won't have any pain, but it really isn't that bad. You will have medicine to handle to worst of it. I'm only using Tylenol now 
You made the decision for a reason, you're health! You will eventually be able to go out to dinner again, but you'll be making smart choices instead. Fast food - there are a few things we'll be able to eat, but once the weight starts to come off, I'm sure we won't want to risk putting the weight back on!
Every time I doubted my decision, I came onto this site and looked at all the Before and After pics! And read the forums about how much happier people are since their surgeries. A week from now, the surgery will be over and you will on your way to being healthier, happier and living longer!

You made the decision for a reason, you're health! You will eventually be able to go out to dinner again, but you'll be making smart choices instead. Fast food - there are a few things we'll be able to eat, but once the weight starts to come off, I'm sure we won't want to risk putting the weight back on!
Every time I doubted my decision, I came onto this site and looked at all the Before and After pics! And read the forums about how much happier people are since their surgeries. A week from now, the surgery will be over and you will on your way to being healthier, happier and living longer!
I totally understand how you feel! I felt the same way, even as they were rolling me into the operating room....I remember thinking "it's now or never....and I just relaxed and went with it...
you will still be able to go out to dinner and enjoy life.....this is just a tool that can help you manage your weight, and believe me when I say , it's a miracle.....
i thought I would never be able to "give up" some of my favorite foods and drinks, but really, I've done ok and I'm only 9 weeks post op......
HANG on and you will be fine!!!!
you will still be able to go out to dinner and enjoy life.....this is just a tool that can help you manage your weight, and believe me when I say , it's a miracle.....
i thought I would never be able to "give up" some of my favorite foods and drinks, but really, I've done ok and I'm only 9 weeks post op......
HANG on and you will be fine!!!!
I loved going out to dinner and eating fast food all of the time. I loved eating junk food and lots of cakes and cookies...but once I lost 135 lbs I found something I love even more. I love being thin. I love that I can sit in any chair I want. I love that I can run up a couple of flights of stairs without being out of breath, I love that I am not always the fttest person in the room, I love shopping in the misses department, I love that I am treated differently by men, ...all of things and so much more is better than a lousy meal at Olive Garden. If it meant I never could eat out again (which it doesn't) I would gladly give it up!!!
What are your priorities? Becoming a healthy, normal weight and living a long, active and fullfilling life? Or sitting at Taco Bell scarfing down junk food which you can never seem to get enough of, which never fills that gnawing void in the pit of your bottomless stomach? Then going home and scarfing down whatever's not nailed down in your kitchen cupboards? Then waking up the next day and doing it all over again until you become so depressed you want to scream?
Yes, it's perfectly normal to be scared before sugery - scared of not waking up, scared of the pain. But scared of having to change your lifestyle and eating habits for the rest of your life? If THAT's what you are scared of, and you are worried you can't do it, then don't have this or ANY WLS unti you are SURE you've got the balls to take control of your life and your health for good. It's a mind game you cannot afford to lose.
You are only 20 years old - you want to end up 30 years from now with diabetes, high blood pressure, sleep apnea, depression, etc. etc. etc. and wonder "what if" I'd had that surgery 30 years ago, how different my life could have been?
Well, Sweetie, that's exactly what I still wonder. Don't be me.
Everyone else has said what could be said. It IS up to you and you will have to make some changes but look at the way your life will be enhanced and improved because of these changes. You CAN do this. Everyone has pre-surgery jitters - that's normal. Oh, and BTW, we all liked eating in restaurants and eating fast food, too, but a prolonged healthy life is probably more important that a Big Mac.... they are good though. lol. You'll be fine. Please post after surgery so we can all see how you came through with flying colours. All the best, Karol
You will be fine and just like my doc has told me just because you got the band dont mean you cant enjoy your foods you just wont eat them as much and as often :o)
I still go out to eat do I feel guilty ? absolutely not . I eat pizza once a month , I go out to McDonald's about every three weeks for a chicken sandwich and about 10 fries .
I was such a big fast food junkie and pizza junkie . I would eat pizza three or four times a week , I would go to any kind of fast food rest. almost every day for either lunch or dinner or sometimes both .
When you start losing weight, and you start to feel better you will start to make better decisions on what to eat, and how often to eat out .
I dont crave the fast foods anymore, but I still go out and eat at them and I dont feel bad .
Instead of ordering a Big Mac and large fries I order the Grilled Chicken take the bread off and then I eat handful of my hubby or sons fries I never order my own and I feel very satisfied with that meal. .
There isn't a single food I have given up getting this surgery done , the surgery has taught me to make better decisions when I go out, how often to eat them so bad foods that are good lol , and how much to eat of them.
I have candy sitting around, I have tons of ice cream in the freezer and I have donuts sitting around and that stuff does not bother me at all , the only time it gives me some problems is when it comes to the time of the month and then hubby and son knows that and gets most of it out of the house for that week lol, . Other then that I can walk past them foods all the time and I never eat them. The calories, the fat and the carbs are just so not worth it right now to me and I can just leave it alone . That is the mental part of all this right there !!!!
I keep them items in the house because I have a very very active son that runs track and plays varsity football he is very healthy and my husband is healthy to. I will not deny them those foods because I cant eat them well I chose not to eat them. It's there house to and just because I got WLS does not mean my whole family has to give up their favorite foods. So get use to that also , there will always be food around that you can eat but you shouldn't eat and you will become mentally strong and just walk away :o)
You really have to become mentally ready for this surgery also in fact for any kind of WLS if you are not mentally ready for this , then more then likely you will fail just like my gf did for the first 2 yrs of her banded life.
But I really watch what I eat 90% of the time, I exercise my bootie off and I drink my water, that is why I'm successful on how I'm doing it .
You can do this, I have lost 40 pounds in just three months and that is going without a single fill in my band :o)
It takes determination, it takes willpower, it takes for you to chose the right foods to eat, you have to make yourself exercise, and you have to drink your water and you will be just fine !!!
Good Luck to you and dont be scared it's such a easy surgery the worst part for me through the whole thing was the damn IV lol.
Like a vet told me on here when I first started out Its all about moderation not deprivation !!!!
I still go out to eat do I feel guilty ? absolutely not . I eat pizza once a month , I go out to McDonald's about every three weeks for a chicken sandwich and about 10 fries .
I was such a big fast food junkie and pizza junkie . I would eat pizza three or four times a week , I would go to any kind of fast food rest. almost every day for either lunch or dinner or sometimes both .
When you start losing weight, and you start to feel better you will start to make better decisions on what to eat, and how often to eat out .
I dont crave the fast foods anymore, but I still go out and eat at them and I dont feel bad .
Instead of ordering a Big Mac and large fries I order the Grilled Chicken take the bread off and then I eat handful of my hubby or sons fries I never order my own and I feel very satisfied with that meal. .
There isn't a single food I have given up getting this surgery done , the surgery has taught me to make better decisions when I go out, how often to eat them so bad foods that are good lol , and how much to eat of them.
I have candy sitting around, I have tons of ice cream in the freezer and I have donuts sitting around and that stuff does not bother me at all , the only time it gives me some problems is when it comes to the time of the month and then hubby and son knows that and gets most of it out of the house for that week lol, . Other then that I can walk past them foods all the time and I never eat them. The calories, the fat and the carbs are just so not worth it right now to me and I can just leave it alone . That is the mental part of all this right there !!!!
I keep them items in the house because I have a very very active son that runs track and plays varsity football he is very healthy and my husband is healthy to. I will not deny them those foods because I cant eat them well I chose not to eat them. It's there house to and just because I got WLS does not mean my whole family has to give up their favorite foods. So get use to that also , there will always be food around that you can eat but you shouldn't eat and you will become mentally strong and just walk away :o)
You really have to become mentally ready for this surgery also in fact for any kind of WLS if you are not mentally ready for this , then more then likely you will fail just like my gf did for the first 2 yrs of her banded life.
But I really watch what I eat 90% of the time, I exercise my bootie off and I drink my water, that is why I'm successful on how I'm doing it .
You can do this, I have lost 40 pounds in just three months and that is going without a single fill in my band :o)
It takes determination, it takes willpower, it takes for you to chose the right foods to eat, you have to make yourself exercise, and you have to drink your water and you will be just fine !!!
Good Luck to you and dont be scared it's such a easy surgery the worst part for me through the whole thing was the damn IV lol.
Like a vet told me on here when I first started out Its all about moderation not deprivation !!!!
I'm 23. It's okay, I was really worried about complications and missing out on things, too. Believe me, I'm the queen of post-surgery complications, too. (I had knee surgery and got strep throat from the intubation!) It's been two weeks and I've lost 17 pounds and have a TON more energy already! You'll feel much better once you are on your way to be there and have this surgery, I promise!