looking to here from long term banders
Thanks you. I'll visit your blog for more info. I hope all is well with you. Sorry about the port replacement, but I give you a lot of credit for not giving up. What kinda head work did you do? I'll take some head tips if your willing to share. I really want to succeed so if there's something else I can do before hand that will benefit me I'm open to it and all ears.

Hi there! No regrets here. I was banded 4-1/2 years ago, lost 120 lbs. in a little over a year, and have remained within a 20 lb. range since then. I think I probably had the best case scenario with the band until very recently, when I was unfilled because of an ulcer that may have been caused by keeping a little too much fill in the band for too long. I truly believe (and hope) that this is just a tiny blip in my lap band journey. Here's a link to a recent post I made about it:
www.obesityhelp.com/forums/lapband/4321420/TamiFromAL-Yep-th ats-me/#35627435
I have to say that even though I love my band, and appreciate all it has done for me, I personally know several people who did not have the same kind of band experience that I had. The band does take effort on your part to be successful. It helps with portion control and hunger management. The rest is up to you. Before you make a final decision, investigate all your options. Once you make a decision, stay positive, and know that you can be a success! There are a lot of people on wls forums who genuinely believe that their surgery is the best, and another surgery should be avoided at all costs. That's because they've suffered and struggled. It doesn't mean that *you* will.
www.obesityhelp.com/forums/lapband/4321420/TamiFromAL-Yep-th ats-me/#35627435
I have to say that even though I love my band, and appreciate all it has done for me, I personally know several people who did not have the same kind of band experience that I had. The band does take effort on your part to be successful. It helps with portion control and hunger management. The rest is up to you. Before you make a final decision, investigate all your options. Once you make a decision, stay positive, and know that you can be a success! There are a lot of people on wls forums who genuinely believe that their surgery is the best, and another surgery should be avoided at all costs. That's because they've suffered and struggled. It doesn't mean that *you* will.
Well I'm one that wishes I hadn't gotten the band. However I don't thin I was a usual pre-op either. I had already been on a 1000 calorie a day diet for over a year and I have a truck load of health problems that pretty much prohibit exercise. I also lost my bariatric insurance after the first year so haven't been able to get fills altho I'm at a pretty good spot right now and probably couldn't handle a fill anyway. That said tho I never did have great restriction before all this and I have always still felt hunger, unlike some other folks. I wish I had known a bout the sleeve because that seems to work like the band but you get instant restriction and don't have to mess with trying to get a good fill restriction. That's my 2 cents on the situation, so research everything before you decide. Good luck to you!
Hi hilady,
I'm sorry the band didn't work our for you as you would of liked it to, I can certainly understand how the health problems hindered your success. I still give you credit for trying wand wanting a better life. There's no real way of knowing if the sleeve would of been the best fit you could of had the same problems you have now or more. Again thanks for the post and for replying. I appreciate everyone 2 cents including yours.
I'm sorry the band didn't work our for you as you would of liked it to, I can certainly understand how the health problems hindered your success. I still give you credit for trying wand wanting a better life. There's no real way of knowing if the sleeve would of been the best fit you could of had the same problems you have now or more. Again thanks for the post and for replying. I appreciate everyone 2 cents including yours.

(deactivated member)
on 2/20/11 6:01 pm - ~Somewhere in~, PA
on 2/20/11 6:01 pm - ~Somewhere in~, PA
On February 20, 2011 at 4:02 PM Pacific Time, thepose2003 wrote:
Hi all, It's me again with the questions about band surgery. I'm still deciding on getting the surgery, but I feel a lot what's stopping me is my fears of unknown. I understand even when I post questions and you answer at the end of the day every body's body is different and what one person experienced whether it be good or bad the other may not. I would like insight on how people are doing with the band after a year and so on.
I'm looking for the ones who've had the band for years and how they feel now since their surgery. Is it a regret? Is it the best thing that happened to ya? Any medical problems occured that may not have been there? Any medical problems that were there that aren't now because of the weight loss ? In other the words the pros's and con's to the surgery and how the body is responding to the band years later. If there are any people out there who had this for type if WLS and it's been years ago please give me your insight.
I know there are a few like Tom, and Bette B (hi Bette-smile-love ya), but if there are anymore please let me know. I've been checking on you-tube as well (a lot of good info on there if anyone is researching like me).