3 month anniversary tomorrow
So much has changed in three months , my weight , my clothes, my attitude , how I eat , and what I eat .
I have always been very lucky when it came to this surgery . I had a super easy recovery, I have had restriction right out the gate with my surgery and I have skipped all my fills and will be skipping my third fill next week.

I have lost a total of 38 pounds and 23 inches in just three months !!!! I need to lose just 10 more pounds and I will be out of the 300's my goal is to be there by the first of April so hopefully I can do it !!!
I have become a Zumba lover. I just love Zumba and it has helped so much with my exercise. I do that 4 times a week and Curves never thought I would say that about exercise But I

I havent had to give up any of my favorite foods which Im very happy about that. I can eat anything without no problems which I was worried about because I didnt get the lapband to say I cant eat these foods or those foods I have to learn what to eat , how much to eat, and how many times to eat them foods and Im getting there .
Im so not perfect doing this either and that is something I have come to understand also through this journey. I might go weeks and weeks without a food meltdown and then boom I will do something bad . For example I was all by myself this weekend. The kid was gone all weekend my husband has worked out of town for the last three weeks and I miss him terriably and I got depressed sitting here by myself . I sat here and ate half of a bag of chips , 4 slices of pizza and 6 inch Italian sub this weekend

Thank God I got the scales today and still lost 1.5 pounds this week but I was expecting the worse .
We will have days like that nobody is perfect and all we can do is get up dust ourselves off and get right back to it and that is exactly what I did on Sunday. That is what is so great about this experience.
So the ones getting the surgery done or struggling just keep reminding yourself each and every day is a brand new day to start over even if we have bumps in the road along the way . You might have a pig out day just like I did this weekend but dont beat yourself over it , everybody is going to make them mistakes, we are human learn from it, pick yourself up and keep on going !!
The band is here to help us just remember that !! It helps with portion control and it helps to keep us fuller longer that is it , you have to work at it, you have to watch what you eat, and you have to exercise you do them things and you will be successful !!!
Thank you all on here . Each and everyone of you. I learn every day something new, I have made wonderful friends , and the support I wouldnt have been able to do this without all of you

Good for you! Keep up the good work!
I was always the type of person that could skip meals before I got banded I might go all day without eating and just eat at dinner so this going 3-6 hrs of not being hungry is really nothing new to me . My problem was I would eat out way to much, or I would eat a 16 oz steak with all the trimmings instead of just 4 oz . I had no portion control when I did eat. I would eat out anywhere from 3-5 times a week , McDonald's, Pizza you name it I ate out. I would eat 2 big mac's and large fries . I just ate the wrong foods all the time and like I said no portion control and no exercise !!
I was just talking to my husband the other day it's really sad that it took me 20,000 dollars for it finally click on what I need to do . I knew all along what I needed to do , on what to eat, how much to eat but it just never clicked till I got this 20,000 piece of plastic in me.
My doc rules are if you are losing 7-10 pounds per month he wont give you a fill and I'm staying right in that range. I see him every four weeks and I lose about 8-10 pounds per visit .
I have only lost 7 this month but I still got this week to lose another pound or so but I have had one to many oops this month lol.
quitting smoking has been ten times harder then what I'm doing right now lol. This diet or change of eating habits is so much easier then dealing with the smokes. I would do this all over again then I would deal with quitting again . I had to be clean 30 days before my surgery and I waited at the last minute to quit.
I got once again really lucky in that dept I didn't gain a single pound from quitting like alot of people do or at least not in that 30 days I didn't .
I think quitting right before I had to all this stuff for preop and all that helped me if it wasn't for that I dont know how I would have done to be honest .
I have always reached for my smokes so I wouldn't eat , that is why I was never a snacker I smoked instead of eating snacks .
There are days I wish I could start back up it would make it easier especially them days when I'm dealing with awful head hunger but I know in my heart if I take one drag off one I will be right back to smoking.
Plus my doc when he does blood work he does a nicotine test also and if you are back to smoking he reserves the right to quit seeing you as a patient. It's one of his rules and that was told to me when I first went to him . He is so strict about the not smoking . Some days I think that is the only thing that keeps me from smoking lol., but each day gets easier and easier .
You have been doing excellent to !!!

Keep up the great work and we will both reach our goals


I can always find myself wanting to get something to eat becaue of my head so I keep alot of goodies around like cheese. Im such a cheese freak now I eat that when I think I want something to eat.
Granted its a little high in fat, but excellent protein and the way I think about it better then eating chips like I did this weekend lol.
Or I get on the puter and putter around on FB so that urge will go away.
Congrats on your 2 month anniversary and I hope your head hunger stays away !!!!